This project generates semi-structured documents ( invoices, payslips, and receipts).
This is the Java implementation of our two papers :
Blanchard, J., Belaïd, Y., & Belaïd, A. (2019, September). Automatic generation of a custom corpora for invoice analysis and recognition. In 2019 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition Workshops (ICDARW). IEEE.
Belhadj, D., Belaïd, Y., & Belaïd, A. (2021, September). Automatic Generation of Semi-structured Documents. In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (pp. 191-205). Springer, Cham.
We can generate locally the three SSDs as well as the cloned invoices separately by launching :
We can choose to generate these documents via the API web interface by launching : mvn quarkus:dev and then by accessing : http://localhost:9080/api/ws/
- We can evaluate the diversity of the local generated SSD datasets using 4 metrics : Alignement, overlapping, SCR_score, and SELF-BLEU : TestDiversityLaunch
- Invoice Number - IN
- Seller(Company) name - SN
- Seller Address - SA
- Seller Vat Number/TVA- SVAT
- Seller Identifier Number(Siren) - SCID
- Seller Siret - SSIRET
- Seller TOA/APE - STOA
- Seller RCS - SRCS Seller Website - SWEB Seller Email - SEMAIL
- Seller Contact Number - SCN
- Seller Fax Number - SFAX E-commerce Platform Name(Like Amazon, Ebay,..) - EN E-commerce Platform Website - EWEB E-commerce Order Reference - EOID * Invoice Date - IDATE Tax Point Date (date of supply) - TPDATE * Billing Name - BN * Billing Address - BA Billing Contact Number - BCN * Shipping Name - SHN * Shipping Address - SHA Shipping Contact Number -SHCN * Table (and its content) -TBL * Client Number - CNUM * Order Number - ONUM * Payment Mode - PMODE * Rest words - undefined