DISCLAIMER: The project is in beta, it has been made public only to facilitate the dissemination of these instructions among betatesters.
- Create a project on Google Scripts
- Add the following Script ID as library
- Write your own code, following the examples below
- Optionally, set the triggers to run the script automatically
function checkExams(){
const calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarsByName('University Exams')[0];
const mail = "[email protected]";
const dp = UniBoExams.getDegreeProgramme("https://corsi.unibo.it/laurea/IngegneriaInformatica/appelli");
const courses = [
dp.getCourse("Analisi matematica T-1", ["Scritto"], 2.5),
dp.getCourse("Analisi matematica T-2", ["*"], 2)
courses.forEach(c => c.createExams(calendar, mail));
is the identifier of the library
- getCourse(name, type, duration)
- createExams(calendar, mail)
- addManual(calendar, dates)
- deleteAllFuture(calendar)