Microshop is a sample microservices application based on Spring technologies such as Boot 2, Framework 5, Cloud (Config, Netflix, Gateway, etc), Data and others.
Requires Java 8+ and Maven 3.5+.
Currently implemented :
- Two basic business services with an in-memory H2 database
- Common utility module with logs of slow HTTP requests
- Config server, based on Spring Cloud Config
- Service registry, based on Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka
- API gateway, based on Spring Cloud Gateway
- Client load balancing, based on Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon
- Circuit breaker, based on Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix
- Circuit breaker dashboard, based on Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix Dashboard
- Distributed tracing, based on Spring Cloud Zipkin and Zipkin server
- Configurable tracing of business methods
- Admin interface, based on Spring Boot Admin
- Docker and Docker Compose support
- Postman support
The business services:
:- Purchase orders, uses the stock service
- Uses an embedded in-memory H2 database that is reset each time the service starts
- Spring Boot app on port
by default
:- Articles stock, used by the order service
- Uses an embedded in-memory H2 database that is reset each time the service starts
- Spring Boot app on port
by default
The technical services:
:- Config server, centralizes the configuration of the other services
- Spring Boot app on port
by default, based on Spring Cloud Config
:- Registry server, records instances of business services
- Spring Boot app on port
by default, based on Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka
:- API gateway, routes requests to business services
- Spring Boot app on port
by default, based on Spring Cloud Gateway
:- Optional admin interface for Spring Boot applications
- Spring Boot app on port
by default, based on Spring Boot Admin
:- Optional Hystrix dashboard, displays circuit breakers stats
- Spring Boot app on port
by default, based on Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix Dashboard
:- Optional Zipkin UI, displays distributed traces
- Spring Boot app on port
by default, based on Zipkin server
Other modules:
:- Common utility classes
The rest of this document omits microshop-
Internal dependencies:
Service | Dependencies |
common | - |
config | - |
registry | config (run) |
order | common (build), config (run), registry (run), zipkin (run) |
stock | common (build), config (run), registry (run), zipkin (run) |
gateway | config (run), registry (run), zipkin (run) |
admin | config (run), registry (run) |
dashboard | - |
zipkin | registry (run) |
means that this a build time dependency, run
means that this is called
(HTTP or other) during the service execution.
The application follows the "config first" (rather than "registry first") approach. Meaning that the business services first connect to the config server to get the location of the service registry, then connect to the service registry.
Build all modules with mvn package
from the root folder,
then execute each module with mvn spring-boot:run
(or java -jar target/<service>.jar
from its folder, using this order from first to last: config
then the rest in any order.
To launch additional business service instances change the HTTP using for example
mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments=--server.port=8083
(or java -jar target/<service>.jar --server.port=8083
To start the whole application with Docker, build the modules then run docker-compose up
from the root folder. Note that, to reduce startup time and memory usage, this will
not start all services but only the core ones (config, registry, order, stock, gateway).
The business URL are:
Service | Method | Path | Description |
Both | GET | http://localhost:8080/api/reset | Reset all business data |
Order | GET | http://localhost:8080/api/orders | Get all orders |
Order | GET | http://localhost:8080/api/orders/{id} | Get an order |
Order | POST | http://localhost:8080/api/orders | Create a new order and update the stock |
Stock | GET | http://localhost:8080/api/articles | Get all articles |
Stock | GET | http://localhost:8080/api/articles/{id} | Get an article |
Stock | PUT | http://localhost:8080/api/articles | Update an article |
In addition the technical URL are:
URL | Description |
http://localhost:8888/order/default | Configuration of Order |
http://localhost:8761/ | Service registry UI |
http://localhost:8761/eureka/apps/order | Service registry records of Order |
http://localhost:8090/ | Spring Boot Admin UI |
http://localhost:7979/hystrix | Hystrix Dashboard, then use http://localhost:8081/actuator/hystrix.stream |
http://localhost:9411/zipkin | Zipkin UI |
A Postman configuration file is also provided for convenience in the postman
Not yet implemented:
- Replace Ribbon by Spring Cloud Loadbalancer
- Replace Hystrix by Resilience4j, but Resilience4j fallback management is not so great
- Hot configuration reload
- Technical services security
- Business services security