Author: Francois Clad [email protected]
Fork me on GitHub at
- Vim version 7.3 or above
- Exuberant Ctags
- Solarized color scheme for your terminal emulator
- Patched fonts for the powerline plugin (UPDATE: patched Monaco font is now available in the fonts directory)
Clone this repository
git clone git://
Run the installation script
bash vim-conf/
- Vundle.vim: Plugin manager
- YouCompleteMe: Auto-completion engine
- Syntastic: Syntax checker
- Vim-airline: Status/tab line (replaces vim-powerline)
- UltiSnips: Snippet engine
- Vim-snippets: Snippet database
- Tlib_vim: Requirement for tskeleton_vim
- Tskeleton_vim: File skeleton manager
- Lusty: Fast buffer juggler
- Unite.vim: Buffers and files explorer
- Tagbar: Show file tags in a side window
- Vim-gitgutter: Show Git diffs
- Vim-markdown: Add support for Markdown syntax
- Gundo.vim: Show undo tree
- Vim-fugitive: Git wrapper
- Vim-surround: Manage surrounding characters
- A.vim: Jump to alternate file (e.g. .h from .c)
- Vim-togglelist: Toggle Quickfix and Location lists
- Vimux: Run commands into from Vim into Tmux
- Bufkill.vim: Close buffers while keeping the windows
- Vim-colorschemes: Color schemes database