- Edit appsettings.json
- EventHubDataPusher.ConnectionString - Event Hub connection string. Example: Endpoint=sb://myeventhub.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=AccessKeyName;SharedAccessKey=Abc=;EntityPath=hub-name
- HubDataGenerator.Type - It currently provides the following data generators: SmallEventsHubDataGenerator, StaticDataHubDataGenerator, BigEventsHubDataGenerator and DynamicSchemaHubDataGenerator
- EventHubDataPusher.MaximumBatchSize - Maximum batch size. Can't be bigger than specified in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/event-hubs/event-hubs-quotas
- EventHubDataPusher.NumberOfThread - The number of threads pushing data
- BandwitdhThrottler.Enabled - Enable bandwitdh throttler
- BandwitdhThrottler.MaxPushRateMBps - If enabled, limits the push rate by the value specified (MB per second)
- Start Pessoto.HubDataPusher.EventHub.WorkerServiceApp.exe
- Monitor the push rate and number of events sent using Event Counters (the built-in .NET Core metric collection framework). The easiest way to read Event Counters is using dotnet-counters:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-counters
After starting the pusher, run:
dotnet-counters.exe monitor --refresh-interval 1 -n Pessoto.HubDataPusher.EventHub.WorkerServiceApp --counters Pessoto.HubDataPusher.Core.DataPusher System.Runtime