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An open source Arduino ESP32 MPPT Charger firmware equipped with charging algorithms, WiFi, LCD menus & more!


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This is a complete re-write of the original AngeloCasi/FUGU-ARDUINO-MPPT-FIRMWARE . It is compatible with the original hardware design you can find on Instructables.

The charger uses a simple CC-CV (constant current - constant voltage) approach. This is common for Lithium-Batteries (e.g. LiFePo4, NCA, NCM, Sodium-Ion).


  • Supports ESP32 and ESP32-S3
  • Async ADC sampling for low latency control loop (<900µs in-out latency)
  • ADC abstraction layer with implementations for ESP32(S3) Internal ADC, ADS1x15 and INA226/INA228
  • Automatic zero-current calibration
  • Robust signal processing using notch filters (reject inverter noise) and rolling median (reject burst noise)
  • PID control for precise voltage and current regulation
  • Periodic MPPT global search
  • Sophisticated Diode Emulation for low-side switch
  • Supports buck and boost converter operation
  • Battery voltage detection
  • Fast protection shutdown in over-voltage and over-current conditions
  • PWM Fan Control and temperature power de-rating
  • Telemetry to InfluxDB over UDP
  • LCD (hd44780) and WS2812B LED Indicator
  • Configuration files on flash file system (littlefs)
  • Serial UART console and telnet to interact with the charger
  • Unit tests, on-board performance profiler and latency profiler

The firmware sends real-time data to InfluxDB server using UDP line protocol.

The aim of this program is to provide a flexible MPPT and DC/DC converter solution that you can use with various hardware topologies (e.g. buck & boost, location of current sensor). You can configure pins, limits, converter topology and sensors through config files, without the need to rebuild the firmware. Access files through FTP or USB Mass Storage Class (MSC, ESP32-S3). I tried to structure components in classes, so they reflect the physical and logical building-blocks of a MPPT solar charger. See Voltage & Current Sensors, ADC Feel free to use parts of the code.

Reference Hardware

  • Fugu2 (KiCad)
    • Dual parallel HS switches
    • Snubber circuit for reduced EMI
    • INA226 current sensor
  • Original Fugu (Proteus)

Getting Started

  1. Build and flash the firmware
  2. Flash the configuration (provisioning)
  3. Calibrate the ADC (important for proper diode emulation)

You can build with ESP-IDF toolchain using Arduino as a component.

If you want to use PlatformIO, checkout tag/pio-last. The PIO build branch is currently not maintained. This version works with the original Fugu design. Mind the voltage divider values. ADS1015 and ACS712-30 hall.

Building with ESP-IDF

Follow Espressif's Get Started guide to install ESP-IDF v5.1.4. (The firmware depends on arduino-esp32 which is compatible with esp-idf v5.1.) You can follow these commands: (make sure you have all the prerequisites from the Espressif guide and you might have to downgrade python to 3.9 if running into issues like this, note that esp-idf will create a new python virtual environment with your system's default python version python --version):

git clone -b v5.1.4 --recursive esp-idf-v5.1
cd esp-idf-v5.1
./ esp32s3
 . ./

Build the MPPT firmware:

git clone --recursive
cd fugu-mppt-firmware set-target esp32s3 # (or esp32) build flash

Configuring Build

  • Set environment variable RUN_TESTS=1 to run unit-tests
  • FUGU_BAT_V: hard-code the battery voltage. If not set the program tries to detect bat voltage from a multiple of 14.6V.

Board Configuration

The firmware reads IO pin mappings, sensor and system (I2C, WiFi, etc.) configuration values from .conf files on the littlefs partition. This enables easy OTA updates of the firmware across various hardware configurations. And you can easily alter the configuration by flashing a new littlefs image or by editing the files over FTP. Some crucial parameters are still hard-coded, making them configurable is WIP.

You find existing board configuration in the folder provisioning/:

  • fmetal: Fugu2 board
  • fugu_int_adc: original fugu design but using the internal ADC
  • dry_mock: uses a mock ADC producing sinusoidal readings, useful for testing with ESP32 dev boards
  • dry_int: uses the internal ADC for dry testing

Chose the board and flash these config files (set PROV to the name of the folder under provisioning/):

littlefs-python create provisioning/$BOARD $BOARD.bin -v --fs-size=0x20000 --name-max=64 --block-size=4096 --port /dev/cu.usb* write_partition --partition-name littlefs --input $BOARD.bin

Alternatively, in CMakeLists.txt, add FLASH_IN_PROJECT argument for littlefs_create_partition_image(). Then the config files will be flashed with the next flash:

littlefs_create_partition_image(littlefs provisioning/fmetal

Once you've built and flashed the firmware on the device, use the serial console to connect the chip to your Wi-Fi network: monitor
> wifi-add <ssid>:<password>
> restart

If Wi-Fi connection is successful you will be able to connect with telnet and FTP. You can send the same commands over telnet as over the Serial console.

Use FTP to upload HW configuration files to configure IO pins, ADC and converter topology. Note that FTP server is unstable. It seems to work well with the Filezilla client. FTP settings: 1 simultaneous connection, disable passive mode.

Control Loop

The control loop reads Vout, Vin, Iin and adjusts the PWM duty cycle of the buck DC-DC converter for MPPT and output regulation. The control loop updates once a Vout reading is available. This ensures low latency for output voltage control, which is important (see below).

Besides the MPP tracker, the control loop contains 5 PD control units (PID without the integral component):

  • VinCTRL (solar voltage), keeps solar voltage above 10.5V to prevent board supply UV
  • IinCTRL (solar current), limits input current to protect hardware
  • VoutCTRL (bat voltage), regulates the output voltage when battery is full or disconnected
  • IoutCTRL (charge current), controls the charge current
  • PowerCTRL (thermal derating), limits conversion power to prevent excess temperatures

The VoutCTRL is the fastest controller. Keeping the output voltage in-range with varying load is most crucial to prevent damage from transient over-voltage. Because a solar panel is very similar to a constant current source, IinCTRL and IoutCTRL can be slower.

IoutCTRL and PowerCTRL both have variable set-points, provided by charging algorithm and temperature feedback, respectively.

In each loop iteration we update all controllers and pick the one with the lowest response value. If it is positive, we can proceed with the MPPT. Otherwise, we halt MPPT and decrease the duty cycle proportionally to the control value.

Voltage & Current Sensors (ADC)

The firmware tries to be as hardware independent as possible by using layers of abstraction (HAL), so you can easily adopt it with your ADC model and topology. Implementations exist for the ADS1x15, INA226, esp32_adc.

The hardware should always sense Vin and Vout. Vin is not crucial and can be coarse (8-bit ADC might be ok if there is a current sensor at Iout), it is needed for diode emulation in DCM, under- and over-voltage shutdown. Since Vout is our battery voltage it should be more precise. To reduce voltage transients during load change a high sampling rate is prefered.

The current sensor can be either at the input (Iin, solar) or output (Iout, battery) or both. If there's only one current sensor we can infer the other current using the voltage ratio and efficiency of the converter. The code represents this with a VirtualSensor.

If the current sensor is bi-directional, the converter can operate in boost mode, boosting lower solar voltage to a higher battery voltage. This is not yet implemented.

Here are some relevant types:

  • LinearTransform: Simple 1-dimensional linear transform (Y = a*X + b) to scale voltage readings and zero-offsetting.
  • ADC_Sampler: Schedules ADC reads, manages sensors and their calibration
  • CalibrationConstraints: value constraints a sensor must meet during calibration (average, stddev).
  • Sensor: Represents a physical sensor with running statistics (average, variance)
  • VirtualSensor: A sensor with computed values. Also comes with running stats.
  • AsyncADC: Abstract interface for asynchronous (non-blocking) ADC implementation

Asynchronous here means that we request a sample from the ADC and continue code execution while the conversion is happening. This improves average CPU utilization and other things can run smoothly even with a slow ADC.

Signal Filtering

We use IIR notch filters to remove inverter noise and a moving median to remove bursts/spikes from the voltage and current signals. Another IIR smoothing filter suppresses residual noise.

MPPT Algorithm

The tracking consists of 3 phases:

  1. Global scan (aka search, sweep)
  2. Fast tracking (observe & perturb)
  3. Slow tracking (observe & perturb)

The controller starts with a global scan, at a duty cycle of 0 and linearly increases it while capturing the maximum power point (MPP) until one of these conditions are met: input under-voltage, output over-voltage, over-current, max duty cycle.

It then sets the duty cycle to the captured MPP and goes into fast tracking mode to follow the MPP locally.

After a while it switches to slow tracking mode, trying to reduce the mean tracking error. When it detects a mayor change in power conditions (e.g. clouds, partial shading), it'll switch back to fast tracking, to quickly adapt to the new condition.

A global scan is triggered every 30 minutes to prevent getting stuck in a local maximum. This can happen with partially shaded solar strings. A scan lasts about 20 to 60 seconds, depending on the loop update rate. Scanning too often or slow scanning ca significantly less reduce overall efficiency.

Synchronous Buck and Diode Emulation

We can leave the Low-Side (LS, aka sync-FET, synchronous rectifier) switch off and the coil discharge current will flow through the LS MOSFET´s body diode. The buck converter then operates in non-synchronous mode with reduced conversion efficiency since the mosfet body diode usually has a voltage drop of around 1V.

Turning on the LS must be taken with care to prevent the converter from becoming a (reversed) boost converter. Switching the LS for too long causes reverse current flow from battery to solar and can cause high voltage at the solar input. The high current can destroy the LS switch and the high voltage can destroy the whole board. So we must take timing the LS switch with a lot of care.

The firmware implements a synchronous buck converter with sensor-less diode emulation. It uses the Vin, Vout and coil inductance value to estimate the coil ripple current and adjusts the switching time of the LS MOSFET so that the current never crosses zero. It handles both Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) and Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM). Inductor core saturation is modelled using a constant -5% inductance drop, which appears to be reasonably accurate. This inaccuracy is only noticeable during operation near the CCM/DCM transition point, and it usually causes the rectification switch to turn off too early. If you experience reverse inductor current, decrease L0 value. A more accurate model would use the DC-bias curve from the core material's datasheet. See Diode Emulation for more details and formulae.

For additional safety the low-side duty cycle is slowly faded to its maximum value. As soon as we detect reverse current (which might also be noise), we decrease the LS switch duty cycle and slowly recover.

On-board testing and debugging features

  • UART, USB and telnet console for user interaction & automated testing
  • InfluxDB: time series writer
  • scope: inspect real-time, high-frequency ADC samples over Wi-Fi to debug analog noise and filtering
  • rtcount: profile real-time performance of code
  • sprofiler: sampling performance profiler
  • i2c scanner

Not implemented / TODO

  • learn converter start duty cycle, converter self test * Calibration
    • find pwm min duty (vout > 0 or iout > 0)
  • 2nd and more (interleaved) channels
  • -More precise PWM- not possible. clock is 80mhz
  • LCD Buttons
  • Web Interface
  • OTA Updates
  • WiFi Network managing, WiFi power saving / power off
  • Bluetooth communication
  • Serial / Modbus interface
  • Acid Lead, AGM charging algorithm (1)
  • Boost converter
  • Detect burned HS and short LS, and back-flow? (implement self-tests), see libre-solar firmware
  • low current, low voltage drop -> disable bf (might sense phantom current due to temperature drift)


  • There is a design issue with IoutCTRL and PowerCTRL. In an over-load situation, the controllers will decrease duty-cycle, which can increase solar voltage, thus increase conversion power. In this case the converter will increases power until it runs into the hard limits, shuts down and recovers. Because this is a transient situation, it should not cause any damage to hardware.

BMS Communication

When the MPPT charger is connected to the battery with a BMS, the BMS might break connection any time during charging. This causes voltage transients at the battery terminals, a fast shut-down prevents damage to connected devices. For sensible devices consider over-voltage protection.

If the charger can communicate with the BMS, it can regulate its output before to avoid the cut-off transient. We can for example read the max cell voltage from the battery and control the PWM so it never causes a BMS over-voltage cut-off. This avoids voltage transients, improves cell balancing time and avoids "trickle" charge.

Using this Firmware

I am currently using this firmware on a couple of Fugu Devices in a real-world application. Each device is connected to 2s 410WP solar panels, charging an 24V LiFePo4 battery. They produce more than 4 kWh on sunny days.

I'd consider the current state of this software as usable. However, a lot of things (WiFi, charging parameters) are hard-coded. ADC filtering and control loop speed depend on the quality of measurements (noise, outliers) and need to be adjusted manually.

The original Fugu HW design has some flaws (hall sensor placement after input caps, hall sensor too close to coil, sense wires layout). Using the CSD19505 at the HS is not a good idea: it is a MOSFET designed for rectificiation and has a large Qrr (body diode reverse recovery charge) which will cause a lot of ringing noise.

Interference increases with power, so we can slow down the control loop to ensure a steady output. Otherwise the converter might repeatedly shutdown, wasting solar energy. A slow control loop however causes higher voltage transients during load changes (e.g. BMS cut-off) which can be dangerous for devices.

If the battery or load is removed during power conversion expect an over-voltage transient at the output. With a battery voltage of 28.5V, I measured 36V for 400ms.

Keep in mind that in case of a failure (software or hardware), the charger might permanently output the max solar voltage at the battery terminal, potentially destroying any connected device. Add over-voltage protection (another DC/DC, Varistor, TVS, crowbar circuit) if necessary.

Use it at your own risk.


We need contributors for Hardware Design and Software. Open an issue or pull request or drop me an email (you find my address in my github profile) if you want to contribute or just share your experience.



An open source Arduino ESP32 MPPT Charger firmware equipped with charging algorithms, WiFi, LCD menus & more!








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