Significant changes in 0.9.10
new words from wiktionaries and open name databases: 77,000 new lexemes,
mostly proper nouns from the two government's open access name databases:
all first names and surnames used in Finland from name registry
all place names from the GML data by maanmittauslaitos
get details from statistics page
minor fixes to tags and formats, disambiguation and words:
apertium format has more subcategories
more words from wiktionaries have better paradigms (mainly consonant-final nouns)
few minor tweaks to prevent odd plurals and singulars for personal pronouns that do not have them in normal ue
test results show same compatibility as always, except:
FTB-3.1 is down to 88 % from 90 % and
UD vs. Finnish DTD is down to 92 % from 94 %
python stuff should only use hfst package and not (legacy?) libhfst
newest hfst-python should again be installable from pip and other packaging sources
big thanks to Patreons and Github Sponsors for contiinued support
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