Please make your vote: JDK Support Poll
We are a github organization. You are invited to participate. Every version < 4.x.x is considered as legacy.
Embedded MongoDB will provide a platform neutral way for running mongodb in unittests.
- dropping databases causing some pains (often you have to wait long time after each test)
- its easy, much easier as installing right version by hand
- you can change version per test
- download mongodb (and cache it)
- extract it (and cache it)
- java uses its process api to start and monitor the mongo process
- you run your tests
- java kills the mongo process
We use
- Embed Process Util de.flapdoodle.embed.process
- in a Maven build using maven-mongodb-plugin or embedmongo-maven-plugin
- in a Clojure/Leiningen project using lein-embongo
- in a Gradle build using gradle-mongo-plugin
- in a Scala/specs2 specification using specs2-embedmongo
- in Scala tests using scalatest-embedmongo
To enable logging you must choose some matching adapter for This projects uses slf4j-api version 1.7.xx.
- customizable mongo client settings
- dep updates, mongodb up to 8.0.5
- dep updates, mongodb up to 8.0.3
- dep updates, enhanced proxy support
- download move atomic exception fix
- download cache race condition fix
- download cache error messages
- os detection fix (amazon detection)
- mongo shell binary removal fix
- alpine linux detection
- mongodb 7.0.12 support
- os detection fix (use best version if two matches)
- mongodb 7.0.11 support
- rocky linux support
- mongod server start timeout increased from 20s to 30s
- mongod server start timeout is now configurable
- mongodb 7.0.9, 8.0.0-rc3
- detect ubuntu 24.04
- bugfix in embed.process
- mongodb 7.0.8
- bugfix in embed.process
- alma linux support
- dependency updates
- mongodb version support for 7.0.7, 7.3.0, etc
- bugfix in embed.process
- dependency updates
- bugfix in embed.process
- dependency updates
- mongodb 7.0.4 version added
- update mongo driver version
- setup user and roles
- init replica set client code backport
- package resolver dep upgrade
- debian 12/13 package resolver bugfix
- customize package resolving
- use user info in download base url as basic auth information (see)
- all the good stuff
As the spring projects removed the embed mongo support in 2.7.0 you should consider to use one of these integration projects. It should behave mostly like the original spring integration, but there are some minor differences:
- version in 'spring.mongodb.embedded.version' is used in package resolver and is not matched against version enum.
- 'spring.mongodb.embedded.features' is not supported (not the way to change the config of mongodb)
If you have any trouble in using them feel free to create an issue.