This repository contains files for the custom thermostats used at the Fort Collins Creator Hub.
v1 was a a breadboard-based design, using some standalone (non-WiFi) micro-controller; perhaps an AVR or STM32. For this design, we only have the software and not schematics etc.
v2 uses an ESP32. The PCB design is found in directory pcb/. File thermostat.dxf describes some of the physical design.
v1 hardware uses the code in directory code/arduino-v1/.
v2 hardware can use any of following software stacks:
- A port of the older Arduino code. Found in directory code/arduino-esp32/.
- WiFi-/MQTT-capable software built using the ESP-IDF framework. Found in directory code/esp-idf. This version is currently deployed.
- Updated WiFi-/MQTT-capable software built using the ESP-IDF framework, plus the FCCH "connection manager" component which provides a permanently enabled password-protected web admin interface. Found in directory code/esp-idf-v2. This version is not yet deployed.