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Foxford School

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  1. mqtt-gateway mqtt-gateway Public

    MQTT Gateway is a VerneMQ plugin with token based (OAuth2 Bearer Token) authentication on connect and topic based authorization on publish/subscribe based on conventions and dynamic rules

    Erlang 21 2

  2. idp idp Public archive

    Highly available, scalable and extendible Identity Provider

    Erlang 11 2

  3. datastore datastore Public archive

    Highly available, scalable and simple to use object storage with token based (OAuth2 Bearer Token) authorization

    Erlang 9

  4. amorail amorail Public

    Forked from teachbase/amorail

    AmoCRM Rails plugin

    Ruby 3

  5. foxford-docs-utils foxford-docs-utils Public archive


    JavaScript 1

  6. janus-plugin-rs janus-plugin-rs Public archive

    Forked from mozilla/janus-plugin-rs

    Rust crate for wrapping the Janus C plugin API, so you can build Janus plugins in Rust. WIP.

    Rust 1 1


Showing 10 of 35 repositories