- This project imports xplane data and delivers a json api
- Visit http://navdb.freeflightsim.org
The project has two core parts
- navimport/ - a bunch of python scripts to import the data
- navdb/ - a golang web server using the revel framework
This is a bleeding edge idea to serve a stable and regular updated "feed" fo FlightGear pilots
- it takes the latest xplane data, which is a huge tarball.zip
- and imports using python and the navimport/* hacks -- into a postgis database -- the postgis db is setup with views and -- extract spatial data from the geometry machine -- and convert to values eg lat/lon on the fly
- The golang application replies to queries for this data in various formats -- at http://navdb.freeflightsim.org/ -- and soon websocket, kml and xml feed
- Next Gen -- move all shell import from python to golang/revel and remote execution -- automatic update of data, ie same as before -- flag changes, new or moved,dead = latest -- move import routines to golang, maybe manage
From Revel:
- yaml config and multi config
- create json api autodocs
- use pongo templating for inhertitance,
- create jinja2 interface so I can share same templates ;-)))
- replace fab with app or alike
- A linux server with root/sudo access and gcc
- Postgres 9 + Postgis2 database
- python 2.6+ - for importing
- golang 1.3 - for development
- revel app framwork - github.com/revel/revel
revel run github.com/FreeFlightSim/fg-navdb
or for "config" and "port"
revel run github.com/FreeFlightSim/fg-navdb dev 7777
Then visit http://localhost:777/controlpanel
This project needs help, contact
- pete at FreeFlightSim dot org
- peteffs at irc.flightgear.org