>>> neofetch
OS : Linux Mint x86_64
Shell : bash
Location : Canada
Languages : C/C++, Rust, Python, Lua, (Java/Type)Script, Suneido, OCaml, HTML/CSS, (my/postgres)SQL
Others : git, GNU/linux, neovim, VSCode, cli
Email : [email protected]
Education: University of Saskatchewan
- Bachelors of Engineering in Engineering Physics
- Bachelors of Arts and Sciences in Computer Science
>>> projects --summary --hyperlink --hot --no-order
callingRustFunctionsFromC: Calling Rust functions from C on an embedded system
py_mips_debugger: A minimal MIPS python interpreter for easy debugging and improved developer workflow
dragonglass.nvim: An obsidian like plugin for neovim written in lua
content-web-blocker: Firefox extension to block webpages based on specified keywords in the HTML of the page
gsuneido: Adding features to the Go implementation of Suneido
rmsafe: Rust powered command line utility to move files to a custom trashcan location rather than just rm(ing) it
>>> jobs --summary --ascending --hyperlink
Summer Intern, Axon Software: building and improving their Instant Messenger platform written in Suneido from
June-August 2022
Programmer, Axon Software: ai autocomplete with a special emphasis on limited data and limited compute utilisation;
revamping/refactoring business code from May-August 2023
Research Training Student: University of Saskatchewan: Adding optional and gradual types to a dynamic language using only the LSP and no additional syntax
>>> how_to_say_my_name
>>> image
source : xkcd comics