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@fthomas fthomas released this 18 Nov 19:31
· 3318 commits to master since this release

First public release of refined.


This is a port of the refined Haskell library to Scala.
The linked websites provides an excellent motivation why this kind of library
is useful.

This library consists of:

  • Type-level predicates for refining other types, like UpperCase, Positive,
    Greater[_0] And LessEqual[_2], or Length[Greater[_5]]. There are also higher
    order predicates for combining proper predicates like And[_, _], Or[_, _],
    Not[_], Forall[_], or Size[_].
  • A Predicate type class that is able to validate a concrete data type (like Double)
    against a type-level predicate (like Positive).
  • Two functions refine and refineLit that take a predicate P and some value
    of type T, validates this value with a Predicate[P, T] and returns the value
    with type T @@ P if validation was successful or an error otherwise.
    (@@ is shapeless' type for tagging types :-))

Provided predicates

The library comes with these predefined predicates:


  • True: constant predicate that is always true
  • False: constant predicate that is always false
  • Not[P]: negation of the predicate P
  • And[A, B]: conjunction of the predicates A and B
  • Or[A, B]: disjunction of the predicates A and B


  • LowerCase: checks if a Char is a lower case character
  • UpperCase: checks if a Char is an upper case character


  • Empty: checks if a TraversableOnce is empty
  • NonEmpty: checks if a TraversableOnce is not empty
  • Forall[P]: checks if the predicate P holds for all elements of a
  • Exists[P]: checks if the predicate P holds for some elements of a
  • Size[P]: checks if the size of a TraversableOnce satisfies the predicate P


  • Less[N]: checks if a numeric value is less than N
  • LessEqual[N]: checks if a numeric value is less than or equal to N
  • Greater[N]: checks if a numeric value is greater than N
  • GreaterEqual[N]: checks if a numeric value is greater than or equal to N
  • Equal[N]: checks if an integral value is equal to N
  • Positive: checks if a numeric value is greater than zero
  • Negative: checks if a numeric value is less than zero
  • ZeroToOne: checks if a numeric value is in the interval [0, 1]

Released on 2015-05-15