Hey there 👋
This is our template from which we build Kotlin Multiplatform applications that target Android and iOS platforms. It is our opinionated way of building KMP apps and shines a light on how we structure our architecture and what tools and libraries we use.
To give you a short overview of our stack, we use:
- Native UI on both platforms. Jetpack Compose on Android and SwiftUI on iOS. The rest of the application is shared in KMP.
- Decompose for sharing presentation logic and navigation state.
- The presentation layer follows the MVI-like design pattern.
- Koin for dependency injection.
- SKIE for better Kotlin->Swift interop (exhaustive enums, sealed classes, Coroutines support).
- moko-resources for sharing string (and other types of) resources.
- apollo-kotlin network client for apps that call GraphQL APIs.
- ktorfit network client for apps that call plain HTTP APIs.
- Jetpack DataStore as a simple preferences storage (we have JSON-based and primitive implementations).
- iOS-templates as template which generates a new iOS scene using MVVM-C architecture.
The template is a sample app with several screens to let you kick off the project with everything set up, incl. navigation and some API calls.
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Short project description.
- Deadline:
--. --. ---- - Design:
Figma (add link) Backend: GrahlQL / Apiary / OpenAPI (add link)Prod: https://live.app.comDev: https://staging.app.com
Localizations: Czech, English – POEditor / Google Sheets (add link)- Architecture decision records
- Product Flavors: dev, prod
- Use-Cases: Kotlin Coroutines cr-usecases
- ApplicationId:
- minSdk:
- targetSdk:
- Supports:
Dark mode, landscape orientation - Build Variants: debug, enterprise, release
- Deployment target:
16.0 - Bundle identifier:
- Supports:
Dark mode, landscape orientation, iPadOS, watchOS - Language:
Swift 5.0 - IDE:
Xcode 11.0 - Dependency management: Swift package manager
- Command line tools: Fastlane
- Code style:
Jana Nováková, PM, [email protected]Jan Novák, iOS developer, [email protected]John Newman, tester, [email protected]
- Code style - ktlint, * *detekt, * *Android lint, * Danger*
- Kotlin -> Swift interop - skie
dev - login:[email protected]
, password:hesloheslo
This project complies with Standard (F0), High (F1), Highest (F2) security standard.
- Remove allbuild
- Runktlint
checks. The same runs on CI.ktlintFormat
- Reformat source code according to ktlint rules.assembleAndCopyDebugSwiftPackage
- Assemble debug KMP XCFramework and copy it into local iOS Swift Package as dependency. (This task shouldn't be used directly, build the KMP target in Xcode, instead.)assembleAndCopyReleaseSwiftPackage
- Assemble release KMP XCFramework and copy it into local iOS Swift Package as dependency. (This task shouldn't be used directly, build the KMP target in Xcode, instead.)generateMRcommonMain
- Regenerate shared resource IDs.:shared:network:graphql:downloadApolloSchemaFromIntrospection
- Download the latest Apollo schema.:shared:network:graphql:generateApolloSources
- Generate Apollo sources (rebuilds models after adding modifying queries, mutations, etc.).
The iOS application integrates with KMP code through a local Swift Package Manager (SPM) package
located at iosApp/shared/KMP/
. This package wraps the XCFramework generated by the KMP Gradle
plugin, providing a clean and modern dependency management approach.
Key components:
- Swift Package: Located at
defining the binary target - XCFramework: Generated by Gradle and referenced by the Swift Package
- Makefile: Automates the build process based on environment variables
- Build Configuration: Environment variables defined in
Two critical environment variables control the build process:
: Specifies the framework build type (debug
)- Set in
files for each Xcode build configuration - Controls optimization level and debug information
- Determines which Gradle task to run (
- Set in
: Specifies the product flavor (see Product Flavors)- Set in
files for each Xcode build configuration - Controls API endpoints and environment-specific configuration
- Passed to Gradle as
-P buildkonfig.flavor=$(KMP_BUILD_FLAVOR)
- Set in
To build and update the KMP package during development:
Select and build the "Build KMP" target in Xcode:
- This target's build phase runs the Makefile with the appropriate environment variables
- The Makefile detects the build configuration and runs the corresponding Gradle task
- The XCFramework is generated and copied to the Swift Package location
Alternative manual build:
./gradlew assembleAndCopyDebugSwiftPackage
- or if you wish to specify product flavor (default is always
):./gradlew assembleAndCopyDebugSwiftPackage -P buildkonfig.flavor=[dev|prod]
After KMP code changes:
- Always rebuild the "KMP Package" target to update the XCFramework
- Then build the main app target to use the updated KMP code
The app utilizes Decompose to share presentation logic and
navigation state in KMP.
The following meta-description provides an overview of Decompose navigation tree:
Navigation("RootNavHost") {
Slot {
Navigation("SignedInNavHost") {
// Bottom navigation stack
Stack {
// Home tab
Navigation("HomeNavHost") {
Stack {
Screen("SecondScreen") {
Slot {
// Profile tab
Navigation("ProfileNavHost") {
Stack {
Use init_template.kts
script to set up the template.
The script renames directories and package names in files to the given package name.
It is written in Kotlin. To run it you need to have kscript installed.
kscript init_template.kts
The project utilizes BuildKonfig plugin for implementing
build flavors in the network module.
There are two product flavors: dev
and prod
, which select API url used in :shared:network:rest
and :shared:network:graphql
In general, the build flavor can be specified as a Gradle build flag
./gradlew whateverTask -P buildkonfig.flavor=dev
Please, refer to :shared:network:*
module Gradle configs for more info.
During local development, the build flavor can be specified in gradle.properties
file like so:
Charles Proxy is enabled for debug and enterprise builds.
On iOS, we utilize
.xcconfig Build Configuration
where each file per build configuration specifies a KMP_BUILD_FLAVOR
environment variable.
This variable is then used in the "Build KMP" target to pass the flavor as Gradle build flag.
./gradlew assembleAndCopyDebugSwiftPackage -P buildkonfig.flavor=$(KMP_BUILD_FLAVOR)
See Makefile for reference.
Currently, the Debug.xcconfig
file sets KMP_BUILD_FLAVOR=dev
and the Release.xcconfig
. When adding new build configurations, please make sure to also define the
variable using the aforementioned method.
We can have symbolicated Kotlin crash reports on iOS. We use NSExceptionKt to achieve that. Everything is set up, but some finishing touches need to be made when you add Crashlytics to your project:
- Set up Firebase Crashlytics on both platforms as you would usually do.
- After dependencies are in place, on each platform uncomment the code in
classes (follow comments). - On iOS, do not forget to also upload debug symbols to Crashlytics. The KMP framework is static, so no standalone debug symbols are generated for KMP, instead, they are included in the app itself.
Deep links are provided by each platform to common code and parsed using DeepLinkResolver
The (sample) app currently supports the following url scheme: kmptemplate
and the following links:
-- Opens Home tab with default stack.kmptemplate://profile
-- Opens Profile tab with default stack.kmptemplate://home/second
-- Opens SecondScreen in Home tab.kmptemplate://home/third?arg={argument}
-- Opens ThirdScreen in Home tab with provided argument. Theargument
is mandatory.kmptemplate://home/third/{argument}
-- Opens ThirdScreen in Home tab with provided argument. Theargument
is mandatory.