This repo contains a house for gaudi-bash components which are aliases, plugins, completions and themes.
The components can make use of the helper functions of gaudi-bash:
: check if the passed parameter is a function_command_exists
: check if the command passed as the argument exists_completion_exists
: check if the completion function passed as the argument exists_binary_exists
: check if the binary passed as the argument exists_read_input
: reads input from the prompt for a yes/no (one character) input_array-contains
: searches an array for an exact match against the term passed as the first argument to the function. The function exits as soon as a match is found_array-dedupe
: creates a concatenated array of unique and sorted elements_clean-string
: cleans a string from whitespace given a passed cleaning mode
- alias-completion: Automatic completion of aliases
- atuin: Load Atuin! The magical shell history via
- autojump: Autojump configuration
- aws: AWS helper functions
- base: Miscellaneous tools
- blesh: load, the Bash line editor!
- boot2docker: Helpers to get Docker setup correctly for boot2docker
- cht-sh: Simplify
curl<query> <query>
- brew: Make sure that brew is accessible and exported properly in your shell
- chruby: Load chruby from
- compress: Compression tools
- direnv: Load direnv
- dirs: Directory stack navigation
- docker-compose: Helper functions for using docker-compose
- docker: Helpers to more easily work with Docker
- edit-mode-emacs: Enable emacs editing mode
- edit-mode-vi: Enable vi editing mode
- encode: Encoding and decoding functions
- explain: explain function to explain other commands
- extract: Extractor helper functions for various archive types
- fzf: Load fzf, a Command-line fuzzy finder written in Go
- gif: Video to gif, gif to WebM helper functions
- git-subrepo: Loads Git Submodule Alternative via git-subrepo and initialize completions
- git: Git helper functions
- gitstatus: Speeds up your life by using gitstatus for git status calculations
- go: Go environment variables & path configuration
- goenv: Load Go version management via goenv
- gradle: Add a gw command to use gradle wrapper if present, else use system gradle
- hg: Mercurial helper functions
- history: history manipulation
- hub: Load GitHub support to git on the command-line via hub
- java: Java and JAR helper functions
- jekyll: Manage your jekyll site
- jenv: Manage your Java environment via jenv
- jgitflow: Maven jgitflow build helpers
- json: Syntax-highlight JSON strings or files
- jump: Initialize jump. Add
export JUMP_OPTS=("--bind=z")
to change keybinding - latex: Add mactex to the path if its present
- man: Colorize man pages for better readability
- nginx: Manage your nginx service
- node: Node.js helper functions
- nodenv: Load nodenv | Node.js virtual environment builder
- nvm: Node version manager configuration
- osx: OSX specific functions
- pack: CNB pack cli aliases
- percol: Search & Select history with percol
- pipx: Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments
- postgres: Postgres helper functions
- powerline: Enables powerline daemon
- proxy: Proxy Tools
- pyenv: Python version management via pyenv
- pygmentize:.plugins.bash pygmentize instead of cat to terminal if possible
- rails: Helper functions for Ruby on Rails
- rbenv: Ruby Version Manager via rbenv
- ruby: Ruby and rubygems specific functions and settings
- rvm: Ruby Version Manager (RVM)
- sdkman: Load Software Development Kit Manager
- server: Create Simple HTTP Server
- ssh: SSH helper functions
- sshagent: SSH Agent helper functions
- subversion: SVN helper functions
- thefuck: Initialization for fuck
- tmux: Make sure that tmux is launched in 256 color mode
- tmuxinator: Sources tmuxinator script if available
- xterm: Automatically set your xterm title with host and location info
- zoxide: Zoxide is a smarter cd command for your shell.
- asdf: asdf completions | The multiple runtime version manager
- awscli: AWS CLI completions
- brew: Brew completions
- bundler: Bash completion for the
command - capistrano: Bash completion support for Capistrano
- cargo: Cargo (Rust package manager) completion
- composer: Composer completion
- conda: Enable Conda completions
- consul: Consul bash completions
- defaults: Bash command line completion for defaults
- dirs: Bash completion support for the 'dirs' plugin (commands G, R).
- docker-compose: Dokcer compose bash completions
- docker-machine: Docker machine bash completions
- docker: Docker bash completions
- export: Export bash completions
- fabric: Fabric bash completions
- flutter: Flutter bash completions
- gaudi-bash: Gaudi bash completions
- gcloud: Google Cloud bash completions
- gem: Gem bash completions
- git: Git bash completions
- git_flow: Gitflow bash completions
- github-cli: GitHub CLI completion
- go: Go bash completions
- gradle: Gradle bash completions
- grunt: Grunt bash completions
- gulp: Gulp bash completions
- helm: Helm (Kubernetes Package Manager) completions
- homesick: Homesick bash completions
- hub: Hub bash completions. This script complements the completion script that ships with git
- kubectl: Kubectl (Kubernetes CLI) completion
- lerna: Lerna bash completions
- makefile: Makefile bash completions
- maven: Maven bash completions
- minikube: Minikube (Local Kubernetes) completion
- ngrok: Ngrok bash completions
- npm: NPM (Node Package Manager) completion
- nvm: NVM (Node Version Manager) bash completions
- openshift: Openshift bash completions
- packer: Packer bash completions
- pip: Python pip package manager bash completions
- pm2: PM2 bash completions
- rabbitmq: RabbitMQ bash completions
- rake: Bash completion support for Rake, Ruby Make
- rustup: Rustup (Rust toolchain installer) completion
- rvm: Bash completion support for RVM
- sdkman: Sdkman bash completions
- sqlmap: SQL Map bash completions
- ssh: Bash completion support for SSH
- svn: SVN bash completions
- system: Loads the systems Bash completion modules
- terraform: Terraform bash completions
- tmux: Tmux bash completions
- travis: Travis bash completions
- vagrant: Vagrant bash completions
- vault: Vault bash completion
- virsh: Bash completion for virsh - main CLI of libvirt borrowed from
- virtualbox: Virtualbox completions
- vuejs: Vue.js completions
- yarn: YARN CLI completions
- ag: The Silver Searcher (ag) aliases
- ansible: Ansible abbreviations
- apt: apt and dpkg aliases for Ubuntu and Debian distros.
- bundler: Ruby Bundler
- clipboard: pbcopy and pbpaste shortcuts to linux
- composer: Common composer abbreviations
- curl: Curl aliases for convenience.
- docker-compose: docker-compose abbreviations
- docker: Docker abbreviations/aliases
- emacs: Emacs editor
- fuck: fuck/please to retry last command with sudo
- gaudi-bash: Aliases for the gaudi-bash command (these aliases are automatically included with the "general" aliases)
- general: General aliases (files and directory listings ls, ll, etc.), navigation (cd, ..), etc.
- git: Common git abbreviations
- gitsvn: Common git-svn abbreviations
- gls: gls enhanced ls (port from Linux using coreutils)
- heroku: Heroku task abbreviations
- hg: Mercurial abbreviations
- homebrew: Homebrew abbreviations
- homesick: Homesick aliases
- kubectl: kubectl aliases
- ls: ls aliases to add coloring and extra arguments
- maven: mMven abbreviations
- node: Node.js environment aliases
- npm: Common npm abbreviations
- osx: OSX specific aliases
- puppet: Puppet aliases
- rails: Ruby Rails aliases
- svn: Common svn aliases
- systemd: systemd service aliases
- terraform: Aliases for Terraform and Terragrunt
- textmate: textmate aliases
- tmux: tmux terminal multiplexer aliases
- uuidgen: uuidgen aliases
- vagrant: Vagrant aliases
- vault: Vault aliases
- vim: vim abbreviations
- yarn: Yarn package manager aliases