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Collaborative Gym (v0)

Collaborative Gym is an open-source physics-based simulation framework for multi-robot interaction which focuses on modeling the interaction between multiple robots.

Collaborative Gym

As well as directly integrating into the PyBullet physics engine, Collaborative Gym environments utilize the OpenAI Gym interface.


Trained Tasks Showcase

Here are side-by-side videos of untrained and trained available tasks:

Untrained Task Trained Task
Poke Sawyer-Sawyer
Poke Panda-Sawyer
Lift Sawyer-Sawyer
Lift Jaco-Jaco
Balance Sawyer-Sawyer
Balance Jaco-Sawyer
Pass Sawyer-Sawyer
Pass Jaco-Sawyer


In order to avoid package dependency conflicts, it is recommended that Collaborative Gym be installed in a virtual environment. The following instructions are designed specifically for Ubuntu and MacOS, although the equivalent commands will work on Windows as well.

python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade pip
git clone
cd collaborative-gym
pip3 install -e .


The correct installation can be tested by visualizing an existing Collaborative environment. In the following environment, two Sawyer robots must coordinate in order to insert the stick into the donut.

python3 -m collaborative_gym --env "PokeTaskSawyers-v0"

Poke Task Sawyers

A few variations of each environment with different robots are available.

python3 -m collaborative_gym --env "PokeTaskPandaSawyer-v0"

Poke Task Panda Sawyer

Here is a list of all environments and their existing variations with 4 different collaborative tasks and 3 commercial robots (Jaco, Sawyer, Panda):

Environment Name Robots Utilized Preview
PokeTaskSawyers-v0 Sawyer-Sawyer PokeTaskSawyers
PokeTaskPandaSawyer-v0 Panda-Sawyer PokeTaskPandaSawyer
LiftTaskSawyers-v0 Sawyer-Sawyer LiftTaskSawyers
LiftTaskJacos-v0 Jaco-Jaco LiftTaskJacos
BalanceTaskSawyers-v0 Sawyer-Sawyer BalanceTaskSawyers
BalanceTaskJacoSawyer-v0 Jaco-Sawyer PushTaskSawyers
PassTaskSawyers-v0 Sawyer-Sawyer PassTaskSawyers
PassTaskJacoSawyer-v0 One Jaco and one Sawyer PassTaskJacoSawyer

OpenAI Gym

As Collaborative Gym is based on the OpenAI Gym framework, an environment can be accessed as follows:

import collaborative_gym
import gym

# Function to sample actions for each robot
def sample_action(env):
    action = {}
    for robot_name, robot in env.my_robots.items():
        action[robot_name] = env.action_space_robot[robot_name].sample()
    return action

env = gym.make('BalanceTaskSawyers-v0')

# Reset the environment
done = False
observation = env.reset()
while not done:
    # Step the simulation forward. Have the robots take random actions
    observation, reward, done, info = env.step(sample_action(env))
    if type(done) is dict:
        done = done['__all__']

Ray Rllib

Through the use of Ray RLlib, Collaborative Gym provides built-in functions which facilitate the training and evaluation of Reinforcement Learning (RL) policies. These functions are available in Currently, proximal policy optimization (PPO) is used for all environments, but different optimization methods can be implemented by modifying and

Train an Environment
In order to train an enviornment using the Rlllib funcitonalities it is possible to call the following command:

python3 -m collaborative_gym.ray_util --env "LiftTaskSawyers-v0" --algo ppo --train --train-timesteps 100000 --save-dir ./ray_trained_models/

Some pretrained polciies for a few environmentes are available in the folder ray_trained_models.

Resume Training Environment
The following command can be used to resume training (or fine-tune) an existing policy:

python3 -m collaborative_gym.ray_util --env "LiftTaskSawyers-v0" --algo ppo --train --train-timesteps 100000 --save-dir ./ray_trained_models/ --load-policy-path ./ray_trained_models/

Render Environment
It is possible to render a rollout of a trained policy as follows:

python3 -m collaborative_gym.ray_util --env "LiftTaskSawyers-v0" --algo ppo --render --seed 0 --load-policy-path ./ray_trained_models/ --render-episodes 10

Evaluate Environment
A trained policy can also be evaluated based on its average reward and task success:

python3 -m collaborative_gym.ray_util --env "LiftTaskSawyers-v0" --algo ppo --evaluate --eval-episodes 100 --seed 0 --load-policy-path ./ray_trained_models/

Create a Custom Environment

Using Collaborative Gym, it is possible to create customized environments. The following template can be used to create a new environment.

Create a new environment file in: collaborative-gym/collaborative_gym/envs/

from .base_env import BaseEnv
from ray.rllib.env.multi_agent_env import MultiAgentEnv

# Import all robots
from .agents.jaco import Jaco
from .agents.sawyer import Sawyer
from .agents.panda import Panda

class NewTaskEnv(BaseEnv, MultiAgentEnv):
    def __init__(self):
    def step(self, action):
    def _get_obs(self, agent=None):
    def reset(self):

The following line will then be added to the collaborative-gym/collaborative_gym/envs/

from collaborative_gym.envs.new_task import NewTaskEnv

And the following lines to collaborative-gym/collaborative_gym/

from collaborative_gym.envs.new_task import NewTaskEnv

Finally, in collaborative-gym/collaborative_gym/ the lists tasks and tasksEnv need to be modified by adding NewTask and NewTaskEnv respectively.

Simple Example

Here is an example of two Sawyer robots working independently to each lift a cube to a desired target.

Firstly, create a new file: collaborative-gym/collaborative_gym/envs/

import numpy as np
import random
import pybullet as p
from .base_env import BaseEnv
from .agents.objects import Object 
from ray.rllib.env.multi_agent_env import MultiAgentEnv

# Import all robots
from .agents.jaco import Jaco
from .agents.sawyer import Sawyer
from .agents.panda import Panda

class SimplePickTaskEnv(BaseEnv, MultiAgentEnv):
    def __init__(self):
        self.my_robots = {}
        self.obs_len_robots = {}
        self.gripper_enabled_robots = {}

        # NOTE: Choose the number and type of robots to use in the simulation
        self.my_robots['robot_1'] = Sawyer()
        self.my_robots['robot_2'] = Sawyer()

        # NOTE: Define observation lengths for each robot
        self.obs_len_robots['robot_1'] = 25
        self.obs_len_robots['robot_2'] = 25

        # NOTE: Enable or disable gripping for each robot
        self.gripper_enabled_robots['robot_1'] = True
        self.gripper_enabled_robots['robot_2'] = True

        super(SimplePickTaskEnv, self).__init__()

    def step(self, action):

        # Get observations
        all_observations = self._get_obs()

        # Get rewards
        all_rewards, all_info = self.compute_rewards(action)

        # Get dones
        all_dones = {}
        for robot_name, robot in self.my_robots.items():
            all_dones[robot_name] = self.iteration >= 200
        all_dones['__all__'] = self.iteration >= 200
        return all_observations, all_rewards, all_dones, all_info
    def compute_rewards(self, action):
        all_rewards = {}
        info = {}

        # Usefull variables
        finger_COM_pos_rob_1, _ = self.my_robots['robot_1'].get_finger_COM()
        finger_COM_pos_rob_2, _ = self.my_robots['robot_2'].get_finger_COM()
        cube_pos_rob_1, _ = self.cubes['robot_1'].get_base_pos_orient()
        cube_pos_rob_2, _ = self.cubes['robot_2'].get_base_pos_orient()

        target_pos_rob_1 = self.targets_pos['robot_1']
        target_pos_rob_2 = self.targets_pos['robot_2']

        # Reward robot 1 and robot 2
        dist_to_cube_rob_1 = -np.linalg.norm(finger_COM_pos_rob_1 - cube_pos_rob_1)
        dist_to_cube_rob_2 = -np.linalg.norm(finger_COM_pos_rob_2 - cube_pos_rob_2)

        dist_cube_to_target_rob_1 = -np.linalg.norm(target_pos_rob_1 - cube_pos_rob_1)
        dist_cube_to_target_rob_2 = -np.linalg.norm(target_pos_rob_2 - cube_pos_rob_2)

        moving_penalty_robot_1 = - 0.01*np.linalg.norm(action['robot_1'][:len(self.my_robots['robot_1'].arm_joint_indices)])
        moving_penalty_robot_2 = - 0.01*np.linalg.norm(action['robot_2'][:len(self.my_robots['robot_2'].arm_joint_indices)])

        all_rewards['robot_1'] = dist_to_cube_rob_1 + dist_cube_to_target_rob_1 + moving_penalty_robot_1
        all_rewards['robot_2'] = dist_to_cube_rob_2 + dist_cube_to_target_rob_2 + moving_penalty_robot_2

        # Incentive to grip the cube
        if self.my_robots['robot_1'].its_gripping:
            all_rewards['robot_1'] += 0.1
        if self.my_robots['robot_2'].its_gripping:
            all_rewards['robot_2'] += 0.1
        # Get all info
        info['robot_1'] = {"dist_cube_to_target": dist_cube_to_target_rob_1}
        info['robot_2'] = {"dist_cube_to_target": dist_cube_to_target_rob_2}
        all_info = self.get_all_info(info)
        return all_rewards, all_info

    def _get_obs(self, agent=None):
        # NOTE: Make sure the observation lenghts reflect what is defined at the top --> self.obs_len_robots[<robot_name>]
        all_observations = {}

        # Useful variables
        cube_pos_rob_1, cube_orient_rob_1 = self.cubes['robot_1'].get_base_pos_orient()
        cube_pos_rob_2, cube_orient_rob_2 = self.cubes['robot_2'].get_base_pos_orient()

        joint_angles_rob_1 = self.my_robots['robot_1'].get_joint_angles(self.my_robots['robot_1'].controllable_joint_indices)
        joint_angles_rob_2 = self.my_robots['robot_2'].get_joint_angles(self.my_robots['robot_2'].controllable_joint_indices)

        finger_COM_pos_rob_1, finger_COM_orient_rob_1 = self.my_robots['robot_1'].get_finger_COM()
        finger_COM_pos_rob_2, finger_COM_orient_rob_2 = self.my_robots['robot_2'].get_finger_COM()

        gripper_status_rob_1 = np.array([int(self.my_robots['robot_1'].ready_to_grip)])
        gripper_status_rob_2 = np.array([int(self.my_robots['robot_2'].ready_to_grip)])

        target_pos_rob_1 = self.targets_pos['robot_1']
        target_pos_rob_2 = self.targets_pos['robot_2']

        # Robot 1 observations
        obs_robot_1 = np.concatenate([joint_angles_rob_1, finger_COM_pos_rob_1, finger_COM_orient_rob_1, gripper_status_rob_1, cube_pos_rob_1, cube_orient_rob_1, target_pos_rob_1]).ravel()
        all_observations['robot_1'] = obs_robot_1

        # Robot 2 observations
        obs_robot_2 = np.concatenate([joint_angles_rob_2, finger_COM_pos_rob_2, finger_COM_orient_rob_2, gripper_status_rob_2, cube_pos_rob_2, cube_orient_rob_2, target_pos_rob_2]).ravel()
        all_observations['robot_2'] = obs_robot_2

        if agent is not None:
            return all_observations[agent]

        return all_observations

    def reset(self):
        super(SimplePickTaskEnv, self).reset()

        self.tables = {}
        self.cubes = {}
        self.targets_pos = {}

        # Position robot 1 and create table, cube, and target
        self.my_robots['robot_1'].set_base_pos_orient([0,-0.7,1], [0,0,0])
        self.tables['robot_1'] = Object()
        self.tables['robot_1'].init('table',,, self.np_random)
        self.tables['robot_1'].set_base_pos_orient([0.8,-0.7,0], [0,0,0])
        self.cubes['robot_1'] = Object()
        self.cubes['robot_1'].init('cube',,, self.np_random, enable_gripping=True)
        self.cubes['robot_1'].set_base_pos_orient([0.8,-0.6,0.7], [0,0,0])
        self.targets_pos['robot_1'] = np.array([1, -1, 1.2])
        self.create_sphere(radius=0.02, mass=0.0, pos=self.targets_pos['robot_1'], collision=False, rgba=[0, 1, 0, 1])

        # Position robot 2 and create table, cube, and target
        self.my_robots['robot_2'].set_base_pos_orient([0,0.7,1], [0,0,0])
        self.tables['robot_2'] = Object()
        self.tables['robot_2'].init('table',,, self.np_random)
        self.tables['robot_2'].set_base_pos_orient([0.8,0.7,0], [0,0,0])
        self.cubes['robot_2'] = Object()
        self.cubes['robot_2'].init('cube',,, self.np_random, enable_gripping=True)
        self.cubes['robot_2'].set_base_pos_orient([0.8,0.6,0.7], [0,0,0])
        self.targets_pos['robot_2'] = np.array([1, 1, 1.2])
        self.create_sphere(radius=0.02, mass=0.0, pos=self.targets_pos['robot_2'], collision=False, rgba=[0, 1, 0, 1])

        p.resetDebugVisualizerCamera(cameraDistance=2.45, cameraYaw=90, cameraPitch=-10, cameraTargetPosition=[0, 0, 1],

        # Enable rendering
        p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 1,

        #Initialize variables
        return self._get_obs()

    def get_all_info(self, info):
        self.reward_threshold = 0.05
        for robot_name, robot in self.my_robots.items():
            # Check if sucessful task completion
            self.task_success[robot_name] += int(abs(info[robot_name]["dist_cube_to_target"]) < self.reward_threshold)
            info[robot_name]['task_success'] = self.task_success[robot_name]
        return info

Add the following line to: collaborative-gym/collaborative_gym/envs/

from collaborative_gym.envs.simple_picking import SimplePickTaskEnv

And the following lines to: collaborative-gym/collaborative_gym/envs/

from collaborative_gym.envs.simple_picking import SimplePickTaskEnv



It is now possible to view the created environment with:

python3 -m collaborative_gym --env "SimplePickTask-v0"


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