I create a rails app using Nelson Sakwa on Behance liFEsTlye. When the user logs in to the app, he is going to redirect to the homepage. Each page uses the same top menu and footer, include links to implemented pages: Home, articles categories, write an article, and sing out. Display a featured article in the first row of the home page, which has the highest number of votes, with a full-width image and title.
List all categories in order of priority, displayed as a square with its name on the top and its most recent article's title at the bottom. The background image is the image of the most recent article in this category.
When the user clicks in the category name, he will see all the articles in that category, sorted by most recent.
Each article has an image, a title, a truncated text as a preview, and its author username, with a button to add a vote for the article (each user can vote only once).
When the user opens the Write an article page: Display a form with all necessary fields.
And this webpage is also responsive.
- Ruby v2.7.2
- Ruby on Rails v6.1.3
Take a copy of this project Video_step
- Go to the main page of the repo.
- Press the "Code" button and get the repo link.
- Clone it using git clone.
git clone 'repo_link'
Open the terminal in the current project folder and then
- Instal gems with:
1 | bundle _2.1.4_ install
** bundle with 2.1.4 avoid problems with Heroku **
- Setup database with:
1 | rails db:create
2 | rails db:migrate
then go to app/models/article.rb and disable validates :image, presence: true must looks like
#validates :image, presence: true
1 | rails db:seed
and now re-enable the disable validation must look like:
validates :image, presence: true
To make sure the linters' checks using Github Actions works, you should follow the following steps:
- On your recently forked repo, enable the GitHub Actions in the Actions tab.
- Create the
and push. - Start working on your milestone as usual.
- When your work is complete, open a PR from the "feature/branch".
Start server with:
1 | rails server
Open http://localhost:3000/
in your browser.
1 | rpsec
To deploy it, you can use Heroku.
- First, you will need a Heroku account and set-up for deployment. 1.1. Go to the heroku website and create an account using the same email address you used for GitHub and Git. 1.2. Run this command
1 | curl https://cli-assets.heroku.com/install.sh | sh
1.3. Run this command
1 | heroku keys:add
Press y and then Enter, and now, type in the email address you used to create your Heroku account and press Enter. Then, type in the password for your Heroku account. Next, press y and Enter to allow Heroku to upload your public SSH key. 1.4. The terminal may read Invalid credentials provided. Press any key, and the Heroku website will open in your browser. Log in with the information you created your account with, and the terminal will reappear and accept your public SSH key.
- Once you complete the first step. 2.1. Run this command
1 | heroku create
2.2. Then run
1 | git remote
Check that you see heroku in the output. 2.3. Push to heroku typing
1 | git push heroku HEAD:master
2.4. And we need to migrate the database to Run this command
1 | heroku run rails db:migrate
then go to app/models/article.rb and disable validates :image, presence: true must look like
#validates :image, presence: true
1 | heroku run rails db:seed
and now enable again the disable validation must look like:
validates :image, presence: true 2.5. Enjoy this app
1 | heroku open
Gustavo Sanmartin 🐦
- GitHub: @gasb150
- LinkedIn: Gustavo Sanmartin
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Microverse
- Nelson Sakwa on Behance
This project is MIT licensed.