Add verbose logging and extend StanfordQDessBoneUNet2DSTAPLE initiali…
Add verbose logging and extend StanfordQDessBoneUNet2DSTAPLE initiali…
Enhance STAPLE-based bone segmentation with configurable parameters a…
Enhance STAPLE-based bone segmentation with configurable parameters a…
Implement STAPLE-based multi-plane bone segmentation with improved ma…
Implement STAPLE-based multi-plane bone segmentation with improved ma…
Add framework for STAPLE-based multi-plane segmentation
Add framework for STAPLE-based multi-plane segmentation
Refactor bone segmentation volume processing
Refactor bone segmentation volume processing
Add plane-specific bone segmentation models for Stanford QDESS
Add plane-specific bone segmentation models for Stanford QDESS
Updating DESS T2 to not require Tg & GlArea.
Updating DESS T2 to not require Tg & GlArea.
Update new sitk tests to use dicom data - thus not to run if data not…
Update new sitk tests to use dicom data - thus not to run if data not…
No codecov for forked repositroy pull request updates
No codecov for forked repositroy pull request updates
Update docs to specify we are not python 3.7+
Update docs to specify we are not python 3.7+
update np.complex
to use builtin complex
to use builtin complex
Remove pinned numba & simpleitk from CI
Remove pinned numba & simpleitk from CI
Drop CI testing for python 3.6 and add 3.9/3.10
Drop CI testing for python 3.6 and add 3.9/3.10
Drop CI testing for python 3.6 and add 3.9/3.10
Drop CI testing for python 3.6 and add 3.9/3.10
Update gitignore to not log nipype logs.
Update gitignore to not log nipype logs.
update make dev to install pytest
update make dev to install pytest
Update mapss logic to handle masks
Update mapss logic to handle masks
stanford_qdess_bone to return uint8 masks
stanford_qdess_bone to return uint8 masks