Work in progress slides for updated Intro to JavaScript class for Girl Develop It Los Angeles
Organizing next to-dos and bugs etc at
- Mad Libs (could just use string variables and prompt() for user input)
- Number guessing game (using simple variables, user input, and conditional statements)
- Hangman (simple variables, user input, conditional statements, while loop)
- Choose your own adventure game (can scale up as we introduce new concepts)
- Tic Tac Toe (to introduce multidemensional arrays?)
- Have students use CodePen or similar and share links with each other, then try out others' code
- We (the teachers) should demonstrate pair programming, then have students pair program throughout the class
- Group Googling challenges (example: search to find out how to give the page a random background color)
- We present broken or incomplete code and students need to identify what's missing or fix it
- Introductions
- Show a couple fun JavaScript demos, maybe play a quick game