I'm the Informatics Team Lead at the Sydney Informatics Hub, which is part of the University of Sydney. We consult in AI, data science, visualisation and machine learning projects for academic researchers in all disciplines. My team and I work with external collaborators like government departments, hospitals, police, and NGOs. Together with my team I've built native animal species detection models for camera trap images, mapped fish behaviour in a tank 🐟, global mine waste 🌏 ⛏ or mercury levels, and automated high pressure liquid chromatography mass spectroscopy 💉 to detect metabolites more efficiently, and looked at hospital patient data 🏥 to get them better outcomes.
I completed my PhD in Physics with the Atom Laser and Quantum Sensors group at the Australian National University. I used Bose-Einstein condensates to build new designs of sensors known as atom interferometers. These can be used to measure gravity (to find mineral and water 🌊 deposits, gravity waves 🌠), inertial accelerations (guidance systems 🛰, geology), magnetic 🧲 and electric fields ⚡️, and fundamental physical constants (fine structure, big G ⏱ ). One day they will be inside all sorts of technology in everyday life.
I currently spend much of my time engaging with national collaborative research infrastructure partners including:
- 🧬 BioPlatforms Australia and the Australian Biocommons - $10m funding to deliver the BioCloud platform for which we now have a USyd node within Sydney Informatics Hub.
- 📖 Australian Research Data Commons through the Community Data Lab the Language Data Commons of Australia, with which we have a team working within SIH on the Australian Text Analytics Platform, and Nectar research cloud.
- 🌱 Australian Plant Phenomics Network, with which we now have a USyd Node at SIH and Narrabri.
As well as providing leadership in the use of Generative AI 🤖 in research:
- Gen-AI workshops and talks for researchers around the uni, nationally, and internationally.
- Co-chairing a uni-wide Generative AI coordinating group
- 📄 Driving and/or contributing to 11 national submissions on behalf of the university.
- 🤝 Leading AI + strategic collaboration projects with other parts of the University.
Some other things I've been playing with that you can find here: