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Laravel Nova Nested Tree Filter

custom nested tree filter for laravel nova.

Example usage

This filter uses tree provided by kalnoy/nestedset package

This filter uses riophae/vue-treeselect under the hood


Let's assume you need to filter Products that are related to nested Category model

First of all, require using gekich/nested-tree-filter

composer require gekich/nested-tree-filter

Create new filter using, nova:filter, for example:

php artisan nova:filter CategoryFilter

Make your newly created class extend Gekich\NestedTreeFilter\NestedTreeFilter:

use Gekich\NestedTreeFilter\NestedTreeFilter;

class CategoryFilter extends NestedTreeFilter 

Remove all code from newly created class CategoryFilter, and setup:

class CategoryFilter extends NestedTreeFilter
    public $filterModel = \App\Category::class; // - nested tree model 
    public $filterRelation = 'categories'; // - relation that filter uses
    public $name = 'Categories filter'; // - filter name
    public $idKey = 'id'; // - id column
    public $labelKey = 'name'; // - label column name

Also there are placeholder option

    public $placeholder = 'Select...'; 

And multiple select option

    public $multiple = true;


Include the filter you created during instalation in Laravel nova Product resource:

use App\Nova\Filters\CategoryFilter;
class Product extends Resource
    public function filters(Request $request)
        return [

Filter is ready to use. You can apply this filter to filter to resource relation that set in $filterRelation


Feel free to suggest changes, ask for new features or fix bugs yourself.

Hope this package will be usefull for you.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.