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Tom Kralidis edited this page Mar 28, 2018 · 28 revisions


1. About this Document

This is the PyWPS code provenance review, covering issues raised for each module in PyWPS, during the OSGeo Incubation process. The goal here is to check the file headers (fill them in if needed) and confirm that the information is correct. The associated ticket is #130.

2. Libraries

Library Licence Compatible? Included in core? Issue(s)? Ok? Comments
GDAL 1.10.1 MIT yes no
lxml 3.5.0 BSD yes no
flake8 MIT yes no
Sphinx BSD yes no

3. Manual Review


This review is based on the PyWPS stable branch (pywps-3.2). While PyWPS 4 is near final, we choose review the stable code.

A typical PyWPS header can be found in

In October 2016, a license header sweep was implemented for both master and pywps-3.2 branches.

3a. Source Code

File Licence Copyright Holder Licenced? Issue(s)? Ok? Comments
tests/Templates/1_0_0/inc/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/Templates/1_0_0/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/Templates/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/processes/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/processes/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/processes/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/processes/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/processes/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/processes/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/processes/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/processes/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
tests/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Templates/1_0_0/inc/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Templates/1_0_0/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Templates/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Wps/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Wps/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Wps/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Wps/Execute/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Wps/Execute/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Wps/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Parser/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Parser/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Parser/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Parser/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Parser/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Parser/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/processes/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/processes/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/processes/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/processes/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/processes/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/processes/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/XSLT/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Process/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Process/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Process/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/Process/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
pywps/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
doc/source/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
webservices/tomcat/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
webservices/wsgi/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
webservices/mod_python/ GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes
webservices/cgi/pywps.cgi GNU/GPL 2.0 OSGeo yes no yes

3b. Documentation

Documentation is expected to be under a license such as Creative Commons by Attribution:

3c. Data

No data is included as part of the source code.

4. Automated Review

The manual review should be backed up with an automated QA check.

Searches Used

# find all code files
find . -type f -name "*.py"
# find all code files that do not have copyright assigned
find . -name "*.py" | xargs egrep -L -i -H '(.+)Copyright \(c\) '
# find all code files with potential code snippets lifted from elsewhere
find . -type f -name "*.py" | xargs egrep "\#.*http"

5. Copyright Holders / Committers

This is a list compiled through the Provenance Review, of all copyright holders listed in the source files. This list is of essentially everyone who would need to agree to relicense the project.

A list of contributors can be found in #124.

6. Further Issues

None at this time.