Interests | Open Source Contributions | Links |
I write code, break things, and sometimes… they even work!
Accidentally push main
at 3 AM? Just part of the adventure!
Interests | Open Source Contributions | Links |
I write code, break things, and sometimes… they even work!
Accidentally push main
at 3 AM? Just part of the adventure!
Travel inspiration platform, that includes a user-friendly website for exploring travel destinations and a RESTful API for accessing travel data programmatically.
Free platform that helps you learn hiragana, katakana, and kanji using customizable flashcards and interactive practice games.
Translate text found within speech bubbles in manga images.
Classify images with PyTorch's EfficientNetB2 and organise them into folders based on the prediction.
Explore job market trends with interactive data visualizations using Streamlit.
Classic minesweeper game with Python programming puzzles. Choose your difficulty, reveal safe cells, and avoid snakes. Simple interface, varied grid sizes, cool icons & sounds and detailed statisti…