⚠️ Note
v0.8.6 Fixes an issue in v0.8.5 that prevented docker service discovery for some users
What's Changed
- Fix: Peanut widget v2 api compatibility by @Brandawg93 in #2526
- Change: better handle malformed docker labels by @shamoon in #2552
- Fix: pass user/pass as strings with OMV proxy by @shamoon in #2555
- Fix: unique element key generation in quicklaunch and services by @shamoon in #2586
- Enhancement: support multiple checks for healthchecks widget by @strboul and @shamoon in #2580
- Fix: sort ical events in monthly view by @shamoon in #2604
- Fix for events repeating on monthly basis and old events that are show… by @denispapec in #2624
- Add option to specify a timezone for events by @denispapec in #2623
- Fix configured service weight = 0 by @shamoon in #2628
- Fix: constrain usage bar percentage between 0 and 100 by @shamoon in #2650
- CustomAPI changes: locale option for date & relativeDate format by @0phoff in #2658
- Feature: Netdata service widget by @ping-localhost in #2672
- Fix: remove date time load delay by @LukeHagar in #2675
- Feature: Romm Widget by @karl0ss and @shamoon in #2663
- Fix: Calendar widget iCal integration catch RRule failures by @shamoon in #2706
- Fix broken docker service discovery in v0.8.5 by @shamoon in #2717
New Contributors
- @strboul made their first contribution in #2580
- @0phoff made their first contribution in #2658
- @ping-localhost made their first contribution in #2672
- @LukeHagar made their first contribution in #2675
Full Changelog: v0.8.4...v0.8.6