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Home for a small script that can build pdfs and/or presentations from source Markdown


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Pandoc Build Script

A Pandoc-based script to build referenced papers and presentations from Markdown.

To use, clone this repository onto a Mac (it probably works on 'nix's too, but I've not verified that) and follow the instructions below.

Disclaimer is provided as-is. It is not military grade and if it works out of the box, well, that's remarkable :) However, I hope it serves as a good example of the use of pandoc for producing beautiful documents and presentations.


Ensure the following dependencies are met.

General Dependencies

You'll need the following software:

PDF Dependencies

The PDFs produced rely on BibTex references. Hence, you'll need:

  • A reference manager that can output BibTeX. I use Zotero, which works best with Firefox and Firefox's Zotero plugin. Additionally, I use Zotero's Better BibText plugin, primarily because that helps avoid citation key clashes. The BibTex should be exported to /your/paper-dir/bibliography/library.bib

  • A Citation Style Language (CSL) file that matches the citation style you need. The Zotero Style Repository has many such files. I often have to produce IEEE citations, for which I use the file IEEE with URL. The CSL file should be saved to /your/paper-dir/bibliography/ieee-with-url.csl

  • Create the meta file /your/paper-dir/meta.txt, which contains your paper's title, the author(s), the header and the footer. Here's an example meta.txt:

      title: Paper Title
      author: Your Name
          - \usepackage{fancyhdr}
          - \pagestyle{fancy}
          - \lhead{\thepage}
          - \chead{}
          - \rhead{}
          - \lfoot{© Your Name}
          - \cfoot{}
          - \rfoot{}
          - \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.4pt}
          - \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.4pt}

Presentation Dependencies

You'll need:

  • reveal.js

  • A CSS file for styling your presentation. e.g:

      <style type="text/css">
        .reveal .slides { margin-top: 40px; }
        .reveal .slides li { font-size: 1.1em; }
        .reveal p { font-size: 1.1em; }

Modify your PATH Variable

The pandoc and LaTex must be in your your $PATH; e.g export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/texbin.

Creating PDFs

The following are instructions for creating properly referenced papers.

Formating Your Markdown

Follow the Markdown guide.


References should be of the form @bibtex_citation_key, e.g:

Here's the terrifying truth: there are already enough known fossil fuel reserves to fry Planet Earth five times over @bill_mckibben_global_2012.

Here's a more in depth guide to producing properly referenced pdfs.


Images should be refenced this way: ![Image](images/image.jpg "Image")

Outputting the PDFs

Providing all the dependencies have been satisfied, then call the script this way:

bin/ /your/paper-dir/ paper

That should produce a properly referenced paper, from the markdown source, called:


Creating Presentations

The following are instructions for creating presentations.

Formating Your Markdown

Follow the Markdown guide. Below is an example that you could copy and paste and then work out what it does (you will need to copy an image to /your/presentation-dir/images/an_image.png):

# Title

by You


_Source: a reference_

- - -

# Section 1


_Source: a reference_

- - -

## Section 1.1

> + Text point 1
> + Text point 2
> + Text point 3

## Section 1.2

_"Any tool should be useful in the expected way, but a truly great tool lends itself to uses you never expected."_

_Eric S. Raymond: The Cathedral and the Bazaar_

# Section 2


_Source: a reference_

- - -

## Section 2.1

Some text

. . .

Some more text.

. . .

Yet more text.

## Section 2.2

An ordinary numbered list:

1. Point 1
2. Point 2
3. Point 3

# Section 3


_Source: a reference_

- - -

# Thank You


Images should be refenced this way: ![](images/image.png)

Outputting the Presentation

Providing all the dependencies have been satisfied, then calling the script this way:

bin/ /your/presentation-dir/ presentation

That should produce a presentation, from the markdown source, called:


You should also find the directory ../build/presentation/your-presentation/reveal.js

Running the Presentation

The easiest way is to load the file build/presentation/your-presentation/index.html into a Chrome browser.

However, if you want speaker notes, then you need to run the local reveal.js webserver. To do so:

  • Edit ../build/presentation/your-presentation/reveal.js/Gruntfile.js, and rather than var base = grunt.option('base') || '.'; set it to the following: var base = grunt.option('base') || '../';.
  • If this is the first time you have run the webserver from ../build/presentation/your-presentation/reveal.js, then you will need to install required dependencies. Do so by running npm install.
  • Now run grunt serve from ../build/presentation/your-presentation/reveal.js. The presentation should load into a browser window.
  • If you press the key s, you should see speaker notes running in a separate local browser tab.

Copyright © Steven Huckle, 2017-2018.

CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 International
Unless otherwise stated, the works here are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). They are attributed to Steven Huckle. The license lets you remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as you credit Steven Huckle and license your new creations under identical terms.


Home for a small script that can build pdfs and/or presentations from source Markdown







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