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⚔️ The extension for render image of go-echarts.

The snapshot-chromedp is powered by the chromedp which enable to snapshot charts in HTML to images.
chromedp is a faster, simpler way to drive browsers supporting the Chrome DevTools Protocol, which means this extension works under Chrome DevTools Protocol supporting.


Support since go-echarts v2.4.0-rc1

require v0.0.5


Normally, if you only need render the chart to image, the handy call is enough.

    render.MakeChartSnapshot(myChart.RenderContent(), "my-chart.png")

By default, it will generate the HTML content first and do the snapshot, clean the HTML then.

If you want to have full control on it, the whole config list here.

type SnapshotConfig struct {
    // RenderContent the content bytes of charts after rendered
    RenderContent []byte
    // Path the path to save image
    Path string
    // FileName image name
    FileName string
    // Suffix image format, png, jpeg
    Suffix string
    // Quality the generated image quality, aka pixelRatio
    Quality int
    // KeepHtml whether keep the generated html also, default false
    KeepHtml bool
    // HtmlPath where to keep the generated html, default same to image path
    HtmlPath string
    // Timeout  the timeout config
    Timeout time.Duration
    // MultiCharts ONLY enable it when you have multi charts in the single page, better to set larger quality
    MultiCharts bool



You must disable the chart's Animation option to ensure the chart being rendered immediately.

package main

import (

var (
	itemCnt = 7
	weeks   = []string{"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"}

func generateBarItems() []opts.BarData {
	items := make([]opts.BarData, 0)
	for i := 0; i < itemCnt; i++ {
		items = append(items, opts.BarData{Value: rand.Intn(300)})
	return items

func barTitle() *charts.Bar {
	bar := charts.NewBar()
			BackgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
		// Don't forget disable the Animation
			Title:    "title and legend options",
			Subtitle: "go-echarts is an awesome chart library written in Golang",
			Link:     "",
			Right:    "40%",
		charts.WithLegendOpts(opts.Legend{Right: "80%"}),
		AddSeries("Category A", generateBarItems()).
		AddSeries("Category B", generateBarItems())
	return bar

func barTooltip() *charts.Bar {
	bar := charts.NewBar()
		charts.WithTitleOpts(opts.Title{Title: "tooltip options"}),
		charts.WithLegendOpts(opts.Legend{Right: "80px"}),
		AddSeries("Category A", generateBarItems()).
		AddSeries("Category B", generateBarItems())
	return bar

func main() {
	barTitleChart := barTitle()
	barTooltipChart := barTooltip()
	render.MakeChartSnapshot(barTitleChart.RenderContent(), "my-bar-title.png")
	render.MakeChartSnapshot(barTooltipChart.RenderContent(), "my-bar-tooltip.jpg")

Snapshot multi charts in one Page is also available now.
Please also make sure each chart animation disabled.
You can simply enable it by:

render.MakeSnapshot(NewSnapshotConfig(asset.RenderPageContent(), fileImage, func(config *SnapshotConfig) {
	        // current page contains multi charts
		config.MultiCharts = true
		// higher quality
		config.Quality = 100

Special Thanks



MIT @Koooooo-7