A flight booking application created using the MERN stack
team-project-202-team-project created by GitHub Classroom
Sprint board: https://cmpe-202-team-project.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/AIRC/boards/2
Wireframes : https://github.com/gopinathsjsu/team-project-202-team-project/tree/master/Wireframes
Task Board : https://github.com/gopinathsjsu/team-project-202-team-project/blob/master/CaliTech%20Task%20Board%20(2).xlsx
XP Values : https://github.com/gopinathsjsu/team-project-202-team-project/blob/master/Xp_Values.md
Retrospective : https://github.com/gopinathsjsu/team-project-202-team-project/blob/master/Retrospect.md
Project Boards (All 5 sprints) : https://github.com/gopinathsjsu/team-project-202-team-project/blob/master/Projectboard.pdf
Individual Journals : All individual journals and the above mentioned documents are in home directory of this repository
Story for Architechtural Diagram: https://cmpe-202-team-project.atlassian.net/browse/AIRC-2
- Calculation of Mileage points: The mileage points for each custmomer will be calculated by multipying their ticket price/fare by two.
- mileagePoints = fare * 1 ;
- Example: For a ticket worth $1000 the mileagePoints awareded to that customer will be 1000 points.
Team Meeting: Every Thursday at 1 PM : Zoom / In person
Tools used :
- MERN Stack
- MongoDB atlas
Task Allocation :
Frontend: Raajmaathangi and Ishaan
Backend: Rakesh & Tarun
Database: Rakesh
Documentation: Ishaan
Admin Features:
- Login
- Add flighs and update timings
- Search all flights and bookings
User Features:
- Sign up/ Login
- Search flights
- Change seat or update the current booking
- Pay using card or points
Steps to start:
- Clone the repo
- Navigate to Frontend:
- npm install
- npm start
- Navigate to Backend:
- npm install
- node index.js
- This will open up your browser and you will be able to access the application