HEX Graph implementation for fine grained entity recognition
- Specify your graph in the form of a .hxg file. The .hxg format is as follows:
#E# enumerate all the classes in your graph (1 per line)
#X# Put exclusion relationships in this section by listing any number of classes separated by spaces. For example, if a line in this section is "A B C", exclusions [A,B], [A,C], and [B,C] will be added.
#H# Put hierarchy relationships in this section using the format [Superclass]: [space separated list of subclasses]
- Specify your class scores. This is done by simply creating a text file with the class name and corresponding score value all on one line.
2a. Specify the raw sentences you are processing by including them in a corresponding directory. This step is optional.
- Specify the paths to the score files, graph files, and an output destination in ResultRunner.java.
Run your files