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CLI utility to help with managing working groups


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This is a utility command to help with managing Working Groups. It was designed for the GraphQL Working Groups, but could be used for other projects that work in a similar way (if this is of interest, get in touch and we can figure out how to make it even more configurable).


yarn add wgutils

wgutils init

Create an example wg.config.js file with the wgutils init command:

wgutils init

Then edit this file and customize it for the local repository.


Main options:

  • name - name of the WG, e.g. "GraphQL WG"
  • repoUrl - the root URL to the repo, e.g. ""
  • videoConferenceDetails - the video conference URL; gets interpolated into the markdown, so if additional details (e.g. password) are required include them indented after a newline
  • liveNotesUrl - the URL to the Google Doc that is used for the live notes
  • attendeesTemplate - a markdown table for your attendees to populate
  • timezone - US/Pacific or UTC or similar; what time governs your meeting times. Critical for international daylight savings time.
  • frequency - monthly or weekly - how frequently do you meet
  • weekday - M, Tu, W, Th, F, Sa or Su - which day of the week do you meet on?
  • time - the time range of the meeting in strict 24 hour range format: HH:MM-HH:MM (e.g. 12:30-14:00)

When frequency = 'monthly':

  • nth - 1-4 - which of the weekdays do you meet on?
  • secondaryMeetings - are there additional meetings? If so, a list of them:
    • nth - which instance
    • dayOffset (optional) - if this meeting is a different day of the week, how does it relate to the normal schedule? (e.g. if you normally meet Thursdays, then Wednesday would be -1)
    • time - the time range of the meeting in strict 24 hour range format: HH:MM-HH:MM (e.g. 12:30-14:00)
    • name (optional) - a name for this secondary meeting
    • description (optional) - a description for this secondary meeting
    • filenameFragment (optional) - extra text to add to the agenda filename

When frequency = 'weekly':

  • primaryN - which meeting is the primary (if any)? We really only support this being 1 right now...

Optional but important options:

  • joiningAMeetingFile (optional) - if your repository contains a "" file, name it here and we'll embed parts into the agendas
  • description (optional) - description of the working group; will appear in agendas
  • dateAndTimeLocations (optional) - the locations to add to the end of the URL for the time of the meeting
  • filenameFragment (optional) - extra text to add to the agenda filename

Options that are unlikely to be overridden for new projects:

  • links (optional) - an object defining some named links to use in the markdown (e.g. from the description)
  • repoSubpath (optional) - if the agendas/etc folder is not in the root, the relative path to it. Unlikely you'll need this.
  • agendasFolder (optional) - the name of the folder the agendas are stored in (i.e. "agendas"), relative to repoSubpath (or the repo root)

wgutils agenda gen

Generates agenda files for the given year and month, according to the settings in wg.config.js.

Example: generate the agenda file(s) for April 2024:

wgutils agenda gen 2024 4

wgutils can-automerge

First, and SUPER IMPORTANT, make sure that your main branch is configured with branch protections, and that EasyCLA is listed in the list of required checks to pass.

Then you can add it to your repo with a GitHub action such as:

name: Agenda auto-merge

    types: [synchronize, opened, reopened]

  contents: write
  pull-requests: read
  checks: read

    if: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.ref == 'main' }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      # SECURITY: it's critical we do not check out the source pull request!
      - name: Checkout the main branch
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          ref: main

      # We need wgutils to be installed
      - run: yarn install

      - name: Wait for checks to pass
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
        run: |
          # Give 15 seconds for any checks to register
          sleep 15

          # Wait for checks to pass
          gh pr checks ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} --fail-fast --watch --required 2>&1 || true
          # Now get the result in JSON
          CHECKS_OUTPUT="$(gh pr checks ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} --required --json bucket --jq 'map(.bucket == "pass") | all' 2>&1 || true)"

          if echo "$CHECKS_OUTPUT" | grep -q "no required checks reported"; then
            echo "Not required: $CHECKS_OUTPUT"
          elif [[ "$CHECKS_OUTPUT" == "true" ]]; then
            echo "$CHECKS_OUTPUT"
            echo "PR state failed? $CHECKS_OUTPUT"
            exit 1

      - name: Automerge if wgutils approves
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
        run: |
          if yarn wgutils can-automerge "${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}" "${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}"; then
            gh pr merge "${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}" --squash --auto --match-head-commit "${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}"

Current limitations

These are known limitations of the software that we won't bother to address unless there's a need to do so:

  • Primary meeting must be the first meeting in the month (otherwise 'prior meetings' is not populated correctly)
  • The automerge system only works with /agendas root level folder currently - needs updating to work with the configured agendas path.


CLI utility to help with managing working groups



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