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NextJS 14 (Notion-as-CMS) Blog

  • This repo is based on Travis Fischer's - NextJs-Notion-Starter-Kit. All credit belongs to him. 😇


  1. npm i (use -f if needed. I know it's not a best practice.😅)
  2. npm run dev
  3. npm run build
  4. npm start
  5. npm deploy (requires Vercel login in cli)

❗️Attention❗️ [Env Vars]

  • Env vars are loaded from next.config.js (exposes env vars to browser) which ideally should be loaded from .env file, however, due to some issues I am unable to get it to work so for now this is the way.

Key Features

  • 🤯 Notion-as-CMS
  • ⚡️ Next 14 Page router
  • 📖 SSG at build-time.
  • 🚀 ISR at runtime.

Key Differences

  • Upgraded to Next 14.
  • Removed yarn. Using npm.
  • Removed Travis's personal info.
  • Fixed Search issue.
  • Fixed ISR support which somehow wasn't working! (Added runtime config for dynamic pages).
  • Removed twitter integration.


  • Requires Node server as ISR cannot work with static exports. Static Export Unsupported Features
  • Social Links on side don't appear on full width pages.
  • Unsupported Notion features - Buttons, Link's color, Kanban boards view (status, Assigned to properties).
  • If deployed to Vercel -> API functions has a free limit of 1mb. Most functions in this repo almost hit that limit.
  • Use runtime=node for APIs if required as edge runtime exceeds free tier limit of 1 mb.


  • To migrate to App router.
  • Cleanup code.
  • Webpack Module Federation to export components so that this site can be natively integrated at runtime with another site.


  • SSR - If you want to pre-render your site i.e., at compile time and then deploy to a static hosting platform (e.g., Github Pages), this is the approach used for this. Simply REMOVE the following code from [pageId].tsx. However, with this approach, any changes done in the Notion pages don't reflect dynamically once site is generated.

    export const config = {
        runtime: 'nodejs', // or "edge"
  • ISR - This is the default approach used for this Notion-Next-CMS template. It regenerates the pages dynamically during runtime everytime there's any change in the Notion page/block/database. It ALSO generates pages at runtime which aren't pre-rendered using fallback: 'blocking property in getStaticPaths.

  • SSG - If you want to render all the pages dynamically at runtime, this is the approach. It is however, slow and is not SEO compatible.

    export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async ({ req, res, params }) => {
        if (req.method !== 'GET') {
            res.statusCode = 405
            res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            res.write(JSON.stringify({ error: 'method not allowed' }))
            return { props: {} }
        const rawPageId = params?.pageId as string
        const ttlSeconds = 60
            `public, max-age=${ttlSeconds}, stale-while-revalidate=${ttlSeconds}`
        try {
            const props = await resolveNotionPage(domain, rawPageId)
            return { props: { ...props } }
        } catch (err) {
            console.error('page error', domain, rawPageId, err)
            throw err



A NextJS14 Pages website using Notion as CMS






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