UPDATE (June 2018) -- this project no longer maintained. BotWikiAwk is a newer project that includes expanded libraries and tools. Library functions are in library.awk (replacing mwapi.awk) and updated JSON functions are in json.awk (replacing json2var.awk)
by User:Green Cardamom at en.wikipedia.org May 2015 (1.0) MIT license
A library of functions in GNU Awk for accessing the MediaWiki API. For building applications in Awk that use the MediaWiki API. Supports read/download API functions only, not write.
There are 2 library files and 1 example program (backlinks.awk).
The API and other functions for building Wikipedia bots and scripts.
Json parser. Given a json file, return a single variable with the values needed.
Depending on the API call, you'll customize a couple lines in parse_value() to
extract the fields you want.
This shows all the backlinks (ie. "Special:What Links Here") for a page.
It also shows how to use the "continue" command to load > 500 items.
To run:
awk -bE backlinks.awk
A complete application, "Backlinks Watchlist" is at https://github.com/greencardamom/Backlinks-Watchlist
Wikiget https://github.com/greencardamom/Wikiget
WebArchiveMerge https://github.com/greencardamom/WebArchiveMerge
WaybackMedic (version 0 is pure awk, 1+ is awk + nim) https://github.com/greencardamom/WaybackMedic