Only for testing purposes on the local machine and to get familiar with the used stack of the technologies. The repo is not for production use.
This repo contains Vagrantfile, ansible playbook and related roles for deploying virtual machine Debian with Docker (+ portainer) + openvpn
it's automaticaly send openvpn.conf to telegram (For no reason. At all)
On host machine must be installed
In terminal:
$ git clone
$ cd cautious-pancake
Set your telegram chat id and bot token in tlg-snd/files/
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
$ vagrant up
After finishing, portainer is available by URL on the host machine.
To delete the virtual machine, enter command (you must be at the same level as the Vagrantfile):
$ vagrant destroy
To log in to the virtual machine via ssh use command (you must be at the same level as the Vagrantfile):
$ vagrant ssh