This is the September 2022 Update of MVS 3.8 TK4 with ISPF, BREXX, NJE38, Intercomm. Also, several bug fixes for Algol, Cobol and JCC. New ISPF panels. New version of Revedit, RPF, and IMON. This is in many ways the update to MVS 3.8 TK4-v8.
- TK3 created by Volker Bandke [email protected]
- TK4- update by Juergen Winkelmann [email protected]
docker run -dit --name tk4 \
-p 3270:3270 -p 8038:8038 \
Connect a 3270 terminal to port 3270 on the docker host. To get the for the Hercules console.
To run with persistence so that you don't lose your data after stopping the docker container please use the following command to start it up.
docker run -d \
--mount source=tk4-conf,target=/tk4/conf \
--mount source=tk4-local_conf,target=/tk4/local_conf \
--mount source=tk4-local_scripts,target=/tk4/local_scripts \
--mount source=tk4-prt,target=/tk4/prt \
--mount source=tk4-dasd,target=/tk4/dasd \
--mount source=tk4-pch,target=/tk4/pch \
--mount source=tk4-jcl,target=/tk4/jcl \
--mount source=tk4-log,target=/tk4/log \
-p 3270:3270 \
-p 8038:8038 tk4
/tk4/conf : This is where the master configuration file tk4-.cnf is stored
/tk4/local_conf : Scripts for initialization and unattended operations
/tk4/local_scripts : There are 10 files located here that are meant for user applied modifications and are run after Hercules initialization, when operating in manual mode or after MVS 3.8j initialization when operating in unattended mode
/tk4/prt : Used for simulated line printer devices
/tk4/pch : Card punch devices output stored here
/tk4/dasd : This contains all of the simulated CKD DASD volumes. Count key data or CKD is a direct-access storage device (DASD)
/tk4/jcl : contains the SYSGEN Job Control Files
/tk4/log : contains log files created during sysgen
Point a web browser to port 8038 of the host system running TK4-. This will typically be, aka localhost.
Enter attach 010 3270 CONS
in the command field of the web browser session.
Connect a tn3270 emulator of your choice to port 3270 of the host system running TK4- (which typically will be docker host IP). Use CONS for the LUNAME (or equivalent) connection parameter of the tn3270 client. A panel showing the TK4- logo and information about Hercules and the host operating system will be displayed.
Enter /v 010,console,auth=all
in the command field of the web browser session. An MVS console will now be
activated in the tn3270 session.
It is recommended to press PF11 at the newly activated console at this point. This will remove the annoying default display area which occupies most of the console’s output area. Alternatively PF23 can be used if in addition the popular mn jobnames,t
and mn sess,t
commands are to be issued
For more information see
- HERC01 is a fully authorized user with full access to the RAKF users and profiles tables. The logon password is CUL8TR.
- HERC02 is a fully authorized user without access to the RAKF users and profiles tables. The logon password is CUL8TR.
- HERC03 is a regular user. The logon password is PASS4U.
- HERC04 is a regular user. The logon password is PASS4U.
- IBMUSER is a fully authorized user without access to the RAKF users and profiles tables. The logon password is IBMPASS. This account is meant to be used for recovery purposes only.
Brief documentation is included in /opt/hercules/tk4/doc Also found at
Jason Winter’s TCPIP instruction (opcode X’75’) has been re-fitted to work with the Hercules version that comes with TK4-. The instruction dates back to 2002 and was last updated around 2009. It allows the Hercules guest to access the IP stack of the host system on which Hercules is running. The current implementation provides the complete functionality as designed in 2002/2009.
However, from today’s point of view, the given implementation may compromise the TK4- security concept and attract risks from the network. Before trying to use TCP/IP connectivity it is strongly recommended to read TSO HELP member TCPIP. Besides providing detailed usage instructions it also explains possible risks and strategies to avoid them.
- F3 - Exit
- F7 - Page Back
- F8 - Page Forward
The MVS 3.8j Tur(n)key 4- System runs on an IBM 3033 mainframe emulated by the Hercules System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture emulator which is Copyrighted (c) by Roger Bowler and others.
Hercules is licensed and distributed under the terms of the Q Public License Version 1.0. See for license details. According to the terms of the license an unmodified copy of the license is available as file /opt/hercules/tk4/hercules/httproot/herclic.html and all patches applied to Hercules to adapt it to the needs of TK4- have been placed in folder /opt/hercules/tk4/hercules/patches of the MVS 3.8j Tur(n)key 4- distribution.
For the present implementation IBM's OS/VS2 (MVS) operating system (Program-Number 5752-VS2, Release 3.8j, Service Level approx. 8505) was chosen, which is in the public domain.
The MVS 3.8j Tur(n)key 4- distribution itself is put into the public domain without claiming any copyright by the author as far as no third party copyrights are affected.