Hello there and welcome to the CV-editor app! check please
Check out our CV-app to see our creation and manage your CVs efficiently.
To get started with the CV-editor app, follow these steps:
Log In
First, you need to log in. We recommend using your GitHub account, but using your Google account works just as well. -
After logging in, you’ll arrive at the homepage, where you can do all sorts of things like creating or editing your CV. -
We recommend checking out the Create-CV section to start creating your CV using our tools. -
Once you’ve created your CV, head over to the Old-CV section to view, edit, and manage previous CV versions. -
About Page
Don’t forget to check out the About page to see what it's all about (it’s a funny one!).
This website is made to help people create, save, and manage their CVs (a document that shows your skills, experience, and education when applying for jobs).
Create Your First CV
You can create your first CV easily using our helpful tools. -
Text Editor (Tiptap)
There's a special text editor (called Tiptap) that allows you to write and format your CV neatly. You can add headings, bullet points, and other styles to make your CV look professional. -
Save and Edit CVs
Once you’re done, you can save your CVs on the website and edit them anytime, whenever you need to update your details.
Follow the steps below to get the app running locally on your machine.
To clone the repository:
Open a terminal or Git Bash.
Navigate to the directory where you want to store your project.
Run the following command to clone the repository: git clone [email protected]:saad-rangara/CV-Editor.git
After cloning, navigate into the project folder: cd your-repository-name
Once you’ve cloned the repository, navigate to the project folder and run the following command to install the required dependencies:
Using npm:
npm install --force(force due to Next.js 15)
If your project requires specific configurations (e.g., environment variables), you may need to set them up: Create (".env.local") in root folder Open the .env file and configure the necessary keys (like API keys, database URLs, etc.). For example:
Once you've installed dependencies and set up your configuration, you can run the app locally.
Using npm: npm start The app will start running locally, and you can access it in your browser at http://localhost:3000 (or another port specified).