a series of scripts to generate word cloud from social media posts
- you may need to use
git submodule update --init --recursive
to download submodules
- (optional) create a python3 virtual environment
- install requirements mentioned in requirements.txt
- export a chat to a place such as extracted-chats-folder
- run script as:
python3 -m tlgr extracted-chats-folder res.png
to generate res.png
- (optional) create a python3 virtual environment
- install requirements mentioned in requirements.txt and twint
- export a chat to a place such as tweets.json with
twint -u <username> -o tweets.json --json --filter-retweets
ortwint -u <username> -o tweets.json --json -cq "from:<username> \-filter:replies"
- you may also use
Twitter can shadow-ban accounts, which means that their tweets will not be available via search. To solve this, pass --profile-full if you are using Twint via CLI or, if are using Twint as module, add config.Profile_full = True. Please note that this process will be quite slow [+].
- you may also use
- run script as:
python3 -m twtr tweets.json res.png
to generate res.png