"Sweater Weather" is a solo project undertaken during Module 3 of Turing School of Software and Design's Backend Engineering program.
- Expose an API that aggregates data from multiple external APIs
- Expose an API that requires an authentication token
- Expose an API for CRUD functionality
- Determine completion criteria based on the needs of other developers
- Research, select, and consume an API based on your needs as a developer
- Ruby Version 2.7.2
- Rails Version 5.2.6
- RSpec
- Pry
- SimpleCov
- Capybara
- Shoulda-Matchers
- Factory_Bot_Rails
- Faker
- jsonapi-serialize
- Figaro
- Webmock
- jquery-rails
- rspec_junit_formatter
- Orderly
- Lockbox
- Blind Index
Clone this repository: On your local machine open a terminal session and clone the repositiory. Once cloned, you'll have a new local copy in the directory you ran the clone command in.
Change to the project directory:
In terminal, use$cd
to navigate to the Frontend Application project directory.
$ cd frontend_application
- Install required Gems utilizing Bundler:
In terminal, use Bundler to install any missing Gems. If Bundler is not installed, first run the following command.
$ gem install bundler
If Bundler is already installed or after it has been installed, run:
$ bundle install
There should be be verbose text diplayed of the installation process. If there are any errors, verify that bundler, Rails, and your ruby environment are correctly setup.
- Database Migration
Before using the web application you will need to setup your databases locally by running the following command
$ rails db: {:drop, :create, :migrate, :seed}
- Set up environment variables
$ bundle exec figaro install
This will create a hidden file called application.yml. You will need to sign up for three API keys to run this project:
- Add all three keys to your application.yml to set up a local variable for your endpoints if you choose to deploy outside of localhost.
mapquest_api_key: <insert_your_key_here>
weather_api_key: <insert_your_key_here>
unsplash_api_key: <insert_your_key_here>
You will also need to install Lockbox and add a master key to your credentials.yml.enc per the documentation. When you've configured lockbox, don't forget to do a
bundle install
! -
Startup and Access
Finally, in order to use the web app you will have to start the server locally and access the app through a web browser.
- Start server
$ rails s
- Go to town! Use Postman, curl, or another tool of your choice to make a request to http://localhost:3000/api/v1
GET /forecast?location=NewYork,NY
provides a current forecast, daily forecast for the next 5 days, and hourly forecast for the next 8 hours at a given location.
GET /background?location=NewYork,NY
provides a single image, via the Unsplash API, tagged or titled with the provided location.
POST /users
adds a user to the database given a valid and unique email, and matching password and password confirmation. Params must be provided in the body of the request in JSON format. Here's an example hash:
"user": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "mypassword",
"password_confirmation": "mypassword"
POST /sessions
logs in a user given email and password, provided as JSON in the request body.
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "mypassword"
POST /road_trip
compiles travel time and weather forecast at projected arrival time for a roadtrip (nonstop) between origin and destination. Requires a valid api_key. Your params must again be JSON in the request body:
"origin": "New York, NY",
"destination": "Burlington, VT",
"api_key": "your_key_goes_here"
Contributors (emoji key):
Hannah(she/her) 💻 👀 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification.