Below is a summary of my projects. (refresh the page if not all stars are showing)
BQT A Blender add-on to support & manage Qt Widgets in Blender (PySide2)
unimenu_addon: add-on to make custom menus in Blender. (with unimenu)
Packaging & distribution
pip-qt-addon An add-on to add a pip-qt launcher to the menu.
blender pip addon: UI to install & list PyPI packages in Blender
qt-addon-browser A browser widget for Blender add-ons
collision-creator-addon: convex UCX colliders with 1 click in Blender
blender-transfer-vertex-order-addon (packaged)
pyqtconsole_addon: (packaged) pyqtconsole blender add-on
QtPythonConsole-blender-addon (packaged)
persistent-console-history An add-on to maintain console history between Blender sessions
dark-listener-3ds-max-plugin: enable dark mode in the 3ds max listener
advanced bend modifier, github repo
reference manager
explode baker
maya-module-template: a template for Python plugins & modules
maya-plugin-template: a template for Maya Python plugins
maya-pip-qt: a Maya plugin for Python Package management inside Maya.
maya-plugin-duplicate-obj-along-curve: a maya-plugin to duplicate obj along a curve.
maya-plugin-snap-to-closest-uv: a maya-plugin to snap UVs verts to the nearest verts of another UV.
maya_script_editor_highlighter: color errors and warnings in the Maya console.
maya-module-manager: Maya module manager plugin.
maya-created-controls: maya module to created rig controls. unload a shelf instead of delete it.
substance-painter-plugin-template: a template for Substance Painter Python plugins
plugget a package manager to search & (1-click) install tools in Blender, Maya, Max, Unreal, ...
plugget manifest repo repo hosting all manifests for the plugget packages
UI plugins
plugget qt qt plugget manager widget
plugget-blender-addon Blender add-on for plugget with a simple UI
plugget-qt-addon Blender add-on for plugget Qt
plugget-qt-maya-plugin maya plugin for the pluggit qt UI
plugget-unreal-plugin Unreal plugin for plugget
pyblish-base Pyblish is a validation pipeline (e.g. for 3d assets). (Contributed for 1 year)
pyblish-simple: create a basic pyblish gui
pyblish-config: create a config for your Pyblish pipeline
pyblish-manager: visual pyblish manager
pyblish-maya-plugin: maya plugin for pyblish
pyblish-unreal: Unreal plugin for pyblish
pyblish-plugins-maya-quality-assurance: 48 maya plugins thread original repo
pyblish-plugins-blender-lint: 7 blender plugins thread
pyblish-plugins-modelChecker: (now behind source repo) 25 maya plugins thread
maya_scene_check: 15 maya plugins thread
pyblish repo collection: collection of links to usefulll pyblish resources
Python modules
unrealStylesheet: qt stylesheet in unreal style
unreal-qt: Qt manager for Unreal
unreal-pip module to pip install in unreal
unreal-plugin-python-script-editor: a Python script-editor Unreal plugin
unreal-python-plugin-template a unreal-python-plugin-template
texture-browser-unreal-plugin great for browsing icons in the unreal install dir
unity-27-slice-shader rehost of an old Unity plugin.
Path-Creator added UPM support.
unity-folder-notes save notes in your Unity folders meta data
⭐328 16th-century-cannon 3d model: unity store, sketchfab
wiki_template A template to turn your markdown notes automatically into a github page.
brain PKM collection of markdown notes on various topics
wiki Hosts the PKM notes on a github page
mkdocs-collapsable-headers A mkdocs plugin to make all headers collapsible.
note-link-janitor (Fork fix) A plugin to auto add backlinks to any markdown files, can be used in github actions
copycat-action-2 (Fork fix) Fork of a github action to copy files, with added support for submodules
pyqtconsole_krita: pyqtconsole krita plugin
unimenu Simple unified menu creation across apps
FigmaPy: read Figma data with Python
detect-app: Detect which app the python interpreter is running in.
buttonizer: launch py commands with 1 click, from a config
pip-qt A UI to manage pip packages
py-pip Manage pip packages from within the active Python interpreter, passing the sys.paths
basic-batcher A basic batcher
App launcher on GumRoad
qt-module-manager inspect all imported modules, and reload them.
Valheim-AI-assistant: ask Bard questions about your valheim save file
- TODO package qtlog
- create a 3d file from a 2D video, using time as the third dimension.
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9 ⭐Temple of Xiala: Steam, GitHub repo | 20⭐Cubelink Steam, Google Play |
- Robocraft
- Sea of Thieves
- Fortnight
- Fall Guys