Welcome to my portfolio! I am Mizhab, a Computer Science Engineering student with a passion for technology and innovation. This portfolio showcases my projects, skills, and experiences in various domains, including web development, game development, and more.
I am a technology enthusiast and aspiring developer. My interests lie in creating innovative solutions and exploring new technologies. I enjoy collaborating with others and working on challenging projects.
- Programming Languages: Python, C, C#, Java, JavaScript, HTML, PHP
- Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, MySQL, Razorpay
- Game Development: Unity, C#
- Development Tools: Visual Studio Code, Replit
- Version Control: GitHub
- Web Hosting: UptimeRobot
A website designed for students to buy and sell books at affordable prices. It connects seniors looking to sell their used books with juniors who need them.
An innovative racing/driving game that utilizes real-world object detection through a webcam to control gameplay, offering a unique gaming experience.
Created several bots for the Highrise metaverse using Python. These bots enhance user interaction and provide automated support within the virtual environment.
A project focused on providing a platform for students to access a library of books. It includes features for user management, book listings, and messaging between users and admins.
- Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science Engineering
- CE Poonjar, Kottayam Engineering College
- Expected Graduation: [Year]
Feel free to reach out to me for collaboration, inquiries, or just to connect!
- Email: [[email protected]]
- LinkedIn: [(https://www.linkedin.com/in/mizhabansar/)]
- Website: booksii.tech
Thank you for visiting my portfolio!