Current Initiative: osu! Tournament Rating A fully-featured data visualization suite & elo-like rating system for osu! tournament players.
General Software:
- Brigitta | An IRC client for osu! tournament referees.
- osu! Mappool Compliance Checker (OMCC) | A discord bot that ensures compliance of osu! tournament mappools
- BanchoSharp | A C# library for connecting to osu!Bancho and managing multiplayer lobbies seamlessly.
- SimpleMem | A C# library that makes complex process memory reading and manipulation simple.
AI Projects:
- DeepOthello | Python port of OthelloAI, uses monte-carlo tree search and deep neural networks to play Othello. Self-play generated 80,000 unique game states used for training. Bitboard implementation using numpy. Still a WIP!
- OthelloAI | C++ program that plays Othello vs self or human. Uses bitboards and minimax with alpha-beta pruning.
Languages & Frameworks:
- ✔️ ASP.NET Core / .NET Core
- ✔️ Rust
- ✔️ Python
- ✔️ C++
Other Interests
- Active member of the osu! tournament committee
- Scuba diving
- Skiing and enjoying the snow
- Basketball
- Bouldering & top-rope climbing