reverse polish notation synth. takes synth descriptions on stdin, and writes a wav to stdout.
it's just one c file.
gcc main.c -o synth
this will play an A note for 1 second, and output a wav file:
echo "440 sin" | synth 1 > out.wav
to display all of the commands available:
synth --help
playing a sound (OSX):
echo "440 sin" | synth 1 > tmp.wav && afplay tmp.wav
440 sin
middle C (9 half-steps down from A440):
440 -9 exp mul sin
A440 with vibrato (20 Hz oscilation between 400 and 480 Hz):
440 40 20 sin mul add sin
vibrato as a function:
[ sin mul add sin ] @vibrato
440 40 20 vibrato