Issues related to the Admin UI
Issues we would love to see addressed
Issues or PRs related with the backend of Hedy, especially in relation to the website and database.
Issues related to classes
Issues related to code cleanup, refactoring, resolving technical debt
Issues related to the CodeMirror editor
issues related to adventure tabs
All issues related to creating custom adventure page
issues related to Cypress (front-end) testing
Issues related to the management and extension of the database.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
PR and issues related to the design and interface of Hedy
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request is a duplicate
Issued related to translations to English
Issues related to Error messages when code is wrong
PRs created by first time contributors
Issue with the web interface
Pull requests that update Javascript code
Use this tag to keep your PR uptodate with main automatically
Issues related to the Hedy language