Simple, (mostly) macro-free test runner, inspired by uvu
lix +lib helder.unit
Create test suites:
import helder.Unit.suite;
import helder.Unit.assert;
final MyTest = suite(test -> {
test('basic boolean checks', () -> {
Create your own entry point to run the test suites:
function main()
Or, let a macro find all your suites based on a package:
haxe -main helder.Unit -D helder.unit.package=tests
This will recursively find and run every test suite under tests
// Boolean check
.ok(check: Bool);
// Strict equal
.is<T>(a: T, b: T);
// Deep equal
.equal<T>(a: T, b: T);
// Fail if reached
// Check if value is instance of type
.instance(value: Any, type: Class<Dynamic>);
// Check if exception was thrown
.throws(run: () -> Void, expected: (e: Exception) -> Bool);
// Boolean check for false
.ok(check: Bool);
// Not strictly equal
.is<T>(a: T, b: T);
// Not deeply equal
.equal<T>(a: T, b: T);
// Check if value is not instance of type
.instance(value: Any, type: Class<Dynamic>);
// Check if exception was not thrown
.throws(run: () -> Void, expected: (e: Exception) -> Bool);
import helder.Unit.suite;
import helder.Unit.assert;
final Suite = suite({
// Run once before tests, you can return some context
setup: () -> {db: [1, 2, 3]},
// Every lifecycle method can be used async
// setup: done -> Timer.delay(() -> done(someContext), 1000)
// Run before each test, receives setup context and can return its own
before: setup -> {values: setup.db},
// Run after each test, recieves context
after: before -> trace(before.values),
// Run once after all tests
teardown: setup -> trace('tests are done')
}, test -> {
test('check context', ctx -> {
assert.equal(ctx.values, [1, 2, 3]);
test('async', done -> {
// Complete test in 1 second
haxe.Timer.delay(done, 1000);
test('async with context', (ctx, done) -> {
haxe.Timer.delay(() -> {
assert.equal(ctx.values, [1, 2, 3]);
}, 1000);
test.only('only run this test', ...);
test.skip('skip this test', ...);