TrackDown is a MP3 converter web app that leverages Spotify Web API and several Python YouTube related libraries to automatically retrieve your playlists on Spotify and download their corresponding MP3 files from YouTube.
Having an older car without Bluetooth can be a struggle, especially since you can't link your phone and listen from your Spotify account. As such, since most cars have USB ports or something similar, you can individually download each song from YouTube. However, if you have hundreds of tracks, this can become tedious and frustrating. There are other mass converters; however, they don't often download the correct songs from YouTube.
This led me to creating TrackDown. With this app, you can easily automate the process of going through your Spotify playlist, finding the song on YouTube and downloading its MP3 file.
Flask: Web framework used for setting up the app backend
Spotify Web API: Used to retrieve user data such as their playlists
Python (Requests): Used for sending requests to the Spotify Web API with Python
youtube_search: Used for YouTube queries
yt-dlp: Used to download MP3 file of YouTube video
Heroku: Platform used to deploy the app
- Clone this repository using Git and
into the directory by running the following:
git clone
cd TrackDown
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
- Next, run the following to install all dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a Spotify Dev account and make a project to get your Client ID and Client Secret
While in your Spotify Dev account, under EDIT SETTINGS, add these Redirect URIs:
- Create a new ".env" file and add the following:
- Install ffmeg on your machine:
Mac: brew install ffmeg
Linux: sudo apt-get install ffmeg
Windows: choco install ffmeg
(make sure you have Chocolatey installed and run the command in CMD as administrator)
- Finally, run the web app locally:
Once the web app is running locally, you will first be greeted to login with your Spotify account and authorize the app to have access to some of your data.
Once logged in, you can see your profile and the navigation bar to download your playlists.
Under the Download My Music tab, you can see all your saved songs and playlists. Choose any one of them that you'd like to download.
After choosing a playlist, you can see all the songs you can download. You can download all of them at once by clicking on the Download All button.
Finally, traverse to your Downloads/{Playlist Name}
folder to see your downloaded MP3 files.
- Het Patel - het1613