Hey There! I am Himanshu Mahajan
# Hey there! 👋 Welcome to Himanshu Mahajan's Code World 🌐
class Developer:
def __init__(self):
self.name = "Himanshu Mahajan"
self.role = "Software Engineer"
self.languages = ["Python 🐍", "C++ 💻"]
self.tools = ["VSCode 💻", "GitHub 🐙", "Docker 🐳"]
self.interests = [
"Competitive Programming 🏆",
"Machine Learning 🤖",
"Data Science 📊",
"DevOps ⚙️",
"Open Source 🌍"
def introduction(self):
print(f"Hi, I'm {self.name}!")
print(f"I'm a passionate {self.role} who loves coding in {', '.join(self.languages)}.")
print("My toolkit includes:")
for tool in self.tools:
print(f"- {tool}")
print("Here are a few things that excite me:")
for interest in self.interests:
print(f"- {interest}")
# Let's connect and build something awesome!
me = Developer()