Custom Payload scripts that turn your Rubber ducky into Merciless Weapons of Havoc!
// Our scripts are designed and coded to have a version for both Windows and MacOS //
. Reverse Shell Payloads
- user based Backdoor
- Server based Backdoor
- Http (web) based Backdoor
- SSH Based backdoor
. Malware Installers:
- Credential Stealers
- Location Pins
- System Melt scripts
- ...
. Prank Scripts
- Rick Rolls
- fake BSOD
- real BSOD
- ...
. Recon scripts
- Credential loggers
- Keystroke loggers
- ...
- We run our Scripts off of a Rubber Ducky or a Pico ducky (Rasberry Pi Pico version)
the inspiration for these scripts came from the video game 'Watchdogs' where hacking systems is your choice of weapon.