This extension allows Hoedown.
- PHP 5.3 +
% git clone --recursive --depth=1
% cd php-ext-hoedown
% phpize
% ./configure
% make
% make test
% make install
; hoedown.options=tables,fenced-code,autolink,strikethrough,no-intra-emphasis
$hoedown = new Hoedown;
echo $hoedown->parse('markdown text');
Name | Default | Changeable |
hoedown.options | tables,fenced-code,autolink,strikethrough,no-intra-emphasis | PHP_INI_ALL |
Set the options for default of Hoedown class. (set in the constructor before calling)
- Hoedown::TABLES
- Hoedown::FENCED_CODE
- Hoedown::AUTOLINK
Hoedown {
public __construct(array $options = [])
public mixed getOption(int $option)
public bool setOption(int $option, mixed $value)
public void setOptions(array $options = [])
public bool addRender(string $name, callable $callback)
public array getRenders(void)
public string parse(string $string, mixed &$state = NULL)
public string parseString(string $string, mixed &$state = NULL)
public string parseFile(string $filename, mixed &$state = NULL)
static public string ofString(string $string, array $options = [], mixed &$state = NULL)
static public string ofFile(string $filename, array $options = [], mixed &$state = NULL)
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Hoedown::RENDERER_HTML | bool | TRUE | Render HTML. |
Hoedown::RENDERER_TOC | bool | FALSE | Render the Table of Contents in HTML. |
Hoedown::SKIP_HTML | bool | FALSE | Strip all HTML tags. |
Hoedown::HARD_WRAP | bool | FALSE | Render each linebreak as <br>. |
Hoedown::USE_XHTML | bool | FALSE | Render XHTML. |
Hoedown::ESCAPE | bool | FALSE | Escaple all HTML. |
Hoedown::USE_TASK_LIST | bool | FALSE | Render task lists. |
Hoedown::LINE_CONTINUE | bool | FALSE | Render line continue. |
Hoedown::HEADER_ID | bool | FALSE | Render header id. |
Hoedown::FENCED_CODE_SCRIPT | bool | FALSE | Render script of fenced code blocks style. |
Hoedown::TABLES | bool | TRUE | Parse PHP-Markdown style tables. |
Hoedown::FENCED_CODE | bool | TRUE | Parse fenced code blocks. |
Hoedown::FOOTNOTES | bool | FALSE | Parse footnotes. |
Hoedown::AUTOLINK | bool | TRUE | Automatically turn URLs into links. |
Hoedown::STRIKETHROUGH | bool | TRUE | Parse ~~strikethrough~~ spans. |
Hoedown::UNDERLINE | bool | FALSE | Parse _underline_ instead of emphasis. |
Hoedown::HIGHLIGHT | bool | FALSE | Parse ==hightlight== spans. |
Hoedown::QUOTE | bool | FALSE | Render "quotes" as <q>. |
Hoedown::SUPERSCRIPT | bool | FALSE | Parse super^script. |
Hoedown::NO_INTRA_EMPHASIS | bool | TRUE | Disable emphasis_between_words. |
Hoedown::SPACE_HEADERS | bool | FALSE | Requqire a space after '#' in headers. |
Hoedown::DISABLE_INDENTED_CODE | bool | FALSE | Don't parse indented code blocks. |
Hoedown::SPECIAL_ATTRIBUTE | bool | FALSE | Parse special attributes. |
Hoedown::SCRIPT_TAGS | bool | FALSE | Parse script tags <?..?> . |
Hoedown::META_BLOCK | bool | FALSE | Parse meta block <!--*..*--> . |
Hoedown::TOC | bool | FALSE | Produce links to the Table of Contents. |
Hoedown::TOC_BEGIN | int | 0 | Begin level for headers included in the TOC. |
Hoedown::TOC_END | int | 6 | End level for headers included in the TOC. |
Hoedown::TOC_HEADER | string | "" | Render header in the TOC. |
Hoedown::TOC_FOOTER | string | "" | Render footer in the TOC. |
- Hoedown::__construct - Create a Hoedown instance
- Hoedown::getOption - Retrieve a Hoedown option value
- Hoedown::setOption - Set Hoedown option
- Hoedown::setOptions - Set Hoedown options
- Hoedown::parse - retrieve html by parse string as markdown
- Hoedown::parseString - retrieve html by parse string as markdown
- Hoedown::parseFile - retrieve html by parse file as markdown
- Hoedown::ofString - retrieve html by parse string as markdown
- Hoedown::ofFile - retrieve html by parse file as markdown
- Hoedown::addRender - Set Hoedown renderer function
- Hoedown::getRenders - retrieve renderer function
public __construct(array $options = [])
Create a Hoedown instance.
An associative array of options where the key is the option to set and the value is the new value for the option.
Return Values:
Returns a new Hoedown object
public mixed getOption(int $option)
Retrieve a Hoedown option value.
One of the Hoedown::* constants.
Return Values:
Returns the value of the requested option, or FALSE on error.
public bool setOption(int $option, mixed $value)
Set Hoedown option.
One of the Hoedown::* constants.
Set option value.
Return Values:
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public void setOptions(array $options = [])
Set Hoedown options.
An associative array of options where the key is the option to set and the value is the new value for the option.
public string parse(string $string, mixed &$state = NULL)
retrieve html by parse text as markdown.
Markdown text string.
Returns the value of extend parse.
Return Values:
Returns the retrieve html, or FALSE on error.
public string parseString(string $string, mixed &$state = NULL)
retrieve html by parse string as markdown.
alias: Hoedown::parse
public string parseFile(string $filename, mixed &$state = NULL)
retrieve html by parse file as markdown.
Markdown file name.
Returns the value of extend parse.
Return Values:
Returns the retrieve html, or FALSE on error.
static public string ofString(string $string, array $options = [], mixed &$state = NULL)
retrieve html by parse string as markdown (static method).
Markdown text string.
An associative array of options where the key is the option to set and the value is the new value for the option.
Returns the value of extend parse.
Return Values:
Returns the retrieve html, or FALSE on error.
static public string ofFile(string $filename, array $options = [], mixed &$state = NULL)
retrieve html by parse file as markdown (static method).
Markdown file name.
An associative array of options where the key is the option to set and the value is the new value for the option.
Returns the value of extend parse.
Return Values:
Returns the retrieve html, or FALSE on error.
public bool addRender(string $name, callable $callback)
Set Hoedown renderer function.
Hoedown rederer function name.
The callable to be called.
Return Values:
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public array getRenders(void)
retrieve renderer function.
Return Values:
Returns the retrieve renderer functions, or NULL.
- Setting a Hoedown option
$hoedown = new Hoedown;
$hoedown->setOption(Hoedown::USE_XHTML, true);
$hoedown->setOption(Hoedown::HARD_WRAP, true);
// or $hoedown->setOptions([Hoedown::USE_XHTML => true, Hoedown::HARD_WRAP => true]);
// or new Hoedown([Hoedown::USE_XHTML => true, Hoedown::HARD_WRAP => true]);
echo $hoedown->parse("markdown\ntext");
The above example will output:
- Retrieve the Table of Contents
$hoedown = new Hoedown;
$hoedown->setOption(Hoedown::TOC, true);
echo $hoedown->parse("# header\n##a\n##b", $state);
echo "-- Table of Contents --\n";
echo $state['toc'];
The above example will output:
<h1 id="header">header</h1>
<h2 id="a">a</h2>
<h2 id="b">b</h2>
-- Table of Contents --
<a href="#header">header</a>
<a href="#a">a</a>
<a href="#b">b</a>
Only retrieve the Table of Contents.
$hoedown = new Hoedown;
$hoedown->setOption(Hoedown::TOC, true);
$hoedown->setOption(Hoedown::RENDERER_TOC, true);
echo $hoedown->parse("# header\n##a\n##b");
The above example will output:
<a href="#header">header</a>
<a href="#a">a</a>
<a href="#b">b</a>
$hoedown = new Hoedown;
$hoedown->addRender('blockcode', function($text, $lang, $attr) {
// Use Pygmentize
return Pygmentize::highlight($text, $lang);
// or
// function blockCode($text, $lang, $attr) {
// return Pygmentize::highlight($text, $lang);
// }
// $hoedown->addRender('blockcode', 'blockCode');
// or
// $hoedown->setOption(Hoedown::RENDERS, [
// 'blockcode' => function($text, $lang, $attr) {
// return Pygmentize::highlight($text, $lang);
// }]);
echo $hoedown->parse("...markdown string...");
Render functions:
- blockcode($text, $lang, $attr)
- blockquote($text)
- blockhtml($text)
- paragraph($text)
- header($text, $attr, $level)
- hrule()
- list($text, $attr, $flags)
- listitem($text, $attr, $flags)
- table($text, $attr)
- tableheader($text)
- tablebody($text)
- tablerow($text)
- tablecell($text, $flags)
- footnotes($text)
- footnotedef($text, $num)
- footnoteref($num)
- codespan($text, $attr)
- underline($text)
- highlight($text)
- quote($text)
- strikethrough($text)
- superscript($text)
- emphasis($text)
- doubleemphasis($text)
- tripleemphasis($text)
- autolink($link, $type)
- image($link, $title, $alt, $attr)
- link($link, $title, $content, $attr)
- linebreak()
- rawhtmltag($tag)
- entity($entity)
- normaltext($text)
- userblock($text)
simple php code.
$hoedown = new Hoedown;
$hoedown->setOption(Hoedown::USER_BLOCK, function($text) {
// Returns the value of user block length
if (preg_match('/^<\?php.*\?>/is', $text, $matches)) {
return strlen($matches[0]);
return 0;
echo $hoedown->parse("<?php echo 'test'; ?>"), PHP_EOL;
$hoedown->setOption(Hoedown::RENDERS, ['userblock' => function($text) {
eval(substr($text, 5, -2));
$retval = ob_get_contents();
return $retval;
echo $hoedown->parse("<?php echo 'test'; ?>"), PHP_EOL;
<?php echo "test"; ?>
Add the Hoedown::META_BLOCK
to options.
Get a meta block by running in the following program.
$text = <<<EOT
author: user
title: Welcom to use
tags: [ markdown, metadata ]
$hoedown = new Hoedown;
$hoedown->setOption(Hoedown::META_BLOCK, true);
echo $hoedown->parse($text, $meta), PHP_EOL;
array(1) {
string(69) " author: user
title: Welcom to use
tags: [ markdown, metadata ]
- Parse meta block
Set the Hoedown::META_PARSE
function to options.
$text = <<<EOT
author: user
title: Welcom to use
tags: [ markdown, metadata ]
$hoedown = new Hoedown;
$hoedown->setOption(Hoedown::META_BLOCK, true);
$hoedown->setOption(Hoedown::META_PARSE, function($text) {
return yaml_parse($text);
echo $hoedown->parse($text, $meta), PHP_EOL;
array(1) {
array(3) {
string(4) "user"
string(13) "Welcom to use"
array(2) {
string(8) "markdown"
string(8) "metadata"