Presentations and Examples from the Las Vegas iOS Developer Meetups
We talked about a variety of topics including decoding JSON, how to mock data services, using Vapor as part of software development, and using Cursor AI as a software development tool.
A discussion about the pros and cons of various patterns with a concentration on MV and MVVM. Also an open mike for folks who need help with specific issues related to their apps.
Most apps can benefit from being available on both the iPhone and iPad. However, many developers mistakenly believe that supporting both platforms means twice the work. We'll show some examples of how the same basic code can be used to support both easily.
There are wrong and right ways to download large images and other file types to your mobile devices. By the way of example code, some of these are demonstrated.
Our co-host presented the designs and visions for her new app which aims to bring more love to the world. She also discussed her monitezation strategy and her journey looking for additional funding to help her get the app to market.
One of our members showed us a new app he is working on and discussed some of the issues he's been having dealing with some bugs in MusicKit queues.
A primer to the new "Swift Testing" framework included in Xcode 16 used to replace XCTest unit testing
A reference to a couple of open source tools that can be useful in debugging memory and disk space issues.
A quick review of the major sessions at the recent conference held in Chicago.
A quick review of the major sessions at the recent conference held in Chicago.
We spent the time helping individuals with development related issues in their own code.
A presentation and example code that shows how to utilized Apple's MusicKit in an iOS app.
A presentation and example code that shows how to utilized Apple's WeatherKit in an iOS app.
This month's meetup is an interactive session where we all get a chance to build our own iOS app powered by GPT. The presentation provides an overview to the steps we take. The assets for this meetup include sample code accessible via Charley's GitHub repo at
A presentation about AI with a concentration on Generative AI, ChatGPT, Co-pilot and how it all applies to iOS and Mac usage and development.
A discussion on the merits of caching downloaded images and some comparisons of a few third party packages
Some comparisons between the new SwiftData and CoreData; includes simple sample apps
A discussion of Apples latest attempts at preserving user privacy and security.
Charley made a very convincing case for why you should do native development when building macOS apps.
A very short summary of what I consider some of the highlights of WWDC23.
A summary of the newest Swift language related conference.
A primer that shows some of the most common memory issues, how to find them, and a little about how to fix them.
A primer on the new AppIntent Framework and a simple example app shows a couple of shortcuts.
Some simple watchOS apps.
Some of my thoughts regarding what I saw and did not see at this year's WWDC, as a means to start conversations.
The start of a discussion regarding what user friction is, why its bad, and how to avoid it. This installment concentrates on the new LocationButton component supplied in UIKit and SwiftUI.
A primer on parsing JSON into Swift Objects
My take on what I think are the "topics" that developers should pay attention to next year. Even if you think you are familiar with a topic you should still allocate some time to improve your knownledge and skills.
My take on what I think are the "topics" that developers should pay attention to next year. Even if you think you are familiar with a topic you should still allocate some time to improve your knownledge and skills.
A very basic introduction to some of the tools Xcode provides to help debug apps.
A few more interesting accessibility features that are worth noting that your apps should support to make for a great user experience for those with disabilities.
A primer on just a few of the accessibility features available that your apps should support to make for a great user experience for those with disabilities.
A primer on some new and not so new features of storyboards that can make you a lot more productive.
A primer on using Apple's MapKit to display maps, directions, and other visual overlays.
A primer on Apple's new Widget feature. Includes two sample apps that demonstrate some of the major capabilities of the feature.
A primer on how to setup your app to support multiple languages, and how to extract/import translations into your app. Includes sample code.
A primer into the various methods and technologies available to store data for your app. Includes sample code for parsing JSON data, for using CoreData locally, and for using CoreData with CloudKit to sync to private database in iCloud.
A primer into exactly what layout constraints and size classes are and how to user them effectively.