I'm Lucy(Youjin) Hong, a Frontend Engineer in South Korea π°π·.
With a background in Visual Communication Design and a minor in Digital Art, I developed a passion for crafting interfaces through code, which led me to a career in frontend development. I specialize in optimizing browser performance and refining UX to make complex interfaces load faster, ensuring users enjoy a seamless and responsive experience. My focus is on balancing business priorities, technical excellence, and user experience to build impactful and meaningful products.
Medium: Tech & Life Blog
LinkedIn: Career SNS
Gitbook: Study Log
23.12.01 - now | Geultto (Technical Writing Enthusiasts who change the world) 9th & 10th Cohort
24.06.24 - 24.06.26 | Assistant Instructor for p5.js at the Modular & Typography Workshop, The University of Seoul