- 🤖 ・ Website ・ https://hsiangjenli.github.io
- 🖥️ ・ IT Blog ・ https://hsiangjenli.github.io/blog
- 🖥️ ・ Cheat Sheets ・ https://hsiangjenli.github.io/cheat-sheet
- 📝 ・ Paper Digest ・ https://hsiangjenli.github.io/paper-digest
- 📝 ・ Note LLM ・ https://hsiangjenli.github.io/note-llm
- ❤️🔥 ・ Research interests include Network Science, Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning, and Metaheuristics
- ✉️ ・ I am looking for opportunities to collaborate on projects related to these topics. Feel free to drop me an email !!!
- 🎓 ・ SiMS Lab ・ https://ntust-sims-lab.github.io/it-blog ・ I've graduated, but I ❤️ this lab