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Project Overview

This web application is the Front-End implementation of HealthLogger web application. The user can register, order medicine, view services, know how to contact us, know more about us and schedule home care.

  • Date Created: 14 06 2020
  • Last Modification Date: 03 09 2020



To have a local copy of this assignment and running on your local machine, you will first need to install the following:

npm i node -g [node] npm install -g @angular/cli [The Angular CLI]


Below is the step by step guide to get a development env running

In a new directory, clone the Git repository

Open this project directory in your preferred IDE.

From the terminal window, run the command "npm install". This command will download and install all the necessary packages to run this Angular web application. Upon successful installation, the terminal will output with the message showing that a number of packages were added and audited.

From the terminal window, run the command "ng serve". If the code compiled successfully, the terminal will output with the message "Angular Live Development Server is listening on localhost:4200, open your browser on http://localhost:4200/"

Open your preferred browser. In the address bar, type "http://localhost:4200/" and hit enter.

In the address bar, type "localhost:4200" and hit enter. You will be redirected to HealthLogger Home Page.


Heroku deployment link:

Web-Application Walkthrough and Links

Once the user visits the website, the first page that opens is the landing page. From here, the user can either register, or navigate to Home Care, Order Medicine, About Us or Contact Us page.

Landing page link - Registration page link - Home Care Service page link - Book Home Care page link - Order Medicine page link - About Us page link - Contact Us page link -


Home page

Registeration page

Home Care Service page

Book Home Care page

Order Medicine page

Built With

Sources Used

File Name - polyfills.ts

Lines 26, 34

import 'classlist.js';  // Run `npm install --save classlist.js`.
import 'web-animations-js';  // Run `npm install --save web-animations-js`.

The code above was created by adapting the code in( as shown below:

// import 'classlist.js';  // Run `npm install --save classlist.js`.
// import 'web-animations-js'; // Run `npm install --save web-animations-js`.

as a solution to support Angular on Internet Explorer.

File Name - register.component.css

Lines 82-104

@media screen and (max-width: 750px) {
  .column {
    flex: 55%;
    margin: none;
    float: none;
    float: none;
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
  .row {
    flex-direction: column;
    margin: none;
    float: none;
    float: none;

The code above was created by adapting the code in( as shown below:

/* On screens that are 992px wide or less, go from four columns to two columns */
@media screen and (max-width: 992px) {
  .column {
    flex: 50%;

/* On screens that are 600px wide or less, make the columns stack on top of each other instead of next to each other */
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
  .row {
    flex-direction: column;

for making the registration page responsive. Moreover, the logic was referenced and the block of code is not copied as a whole.

Libraries Used

Design Choices

  • Use of Bootstrap CSS framework - I have used Bootstrap because it supports most browsers, is lightweight and responsive.
  • Use of ngx carousel library - I have used this carousel library since carousels effectively inform the user about the web application's features on the home page itself.
  • Use of white background - White background is easy to read on and is very natural. Dark text on white background enhances readability. The color-scheme of registration-form (white-smoke), navigation bar (grimmy's grey), footer (gun powder) and all carousel images are selected in a way that they are in contrast with the background color (white).
  • All the design elements are consistent throughout the web application. All the headings, sub-headings, paragraph text, footer options, form-elements and buttons follow the same layout and format. The position and colors of all the elements are consistent and are designed in a way to create a typographic design.
  • All the forms provide front-end validation and provide user feedback with proper error recovery messages.
  • The web application implements a responsive layout and is cross browser compliant.



Front-End implementation of HealthServices web application made using Angular.







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